Charles County Crime Stats Feb. 2004


Salt Life
I looked at Bannister. You have to take into account the type of charge listed. Some of them are loud music, suspicious/unattended vehicle, and checking on the welfare of an adult. However, I did notice the ocassional fight/domestic disupute, burglary...etc.


Yeah that's true, If ya go thru some of em there's a few suspicious deaths too...and a few unattended.


Cleopatra Jones
Even what I expected to find as the worst parts of the county weren't all that bad. Holly Station and Gallery Place both had a lot of the same crap as Bannister and Indian Head. No where that I looked did I see really any violent crime which is what concerns me the most. I don't care if someone breaks into my car when I'm not in it. That's what insurance is for. But I sure as hell don't want to be robbed at gunpoint.

For wanting to go into law enforcement you're not looking at things rationally. I for one am not concerned about violent crime at all in my neighborhood (which had a TON of calls....). There's a lot of punk arse abnoxious kids in the neighborhood. I'm ure they are probably the cause of a good majority of the assault (kids fighting in the street), vandalism, and theft calls. With a lot of pre pubecent boys contained in a small area you're bound to get trouble calls. Especially when half the residents are retired. B and I don't have a neighbor within our age range (20's - 30's) within probably close to 10 houses. They are all retired. Anyway, my neighborhood is just an example. You have to take each neighborhood or area and treat them as their own entitiy.


Pix I was just postin em' for ya'll....nothin' more...but honestly, that is not ALL of them...those are only the Communities with the little crime watch program.