Charles County Dog Thread


Highlander's MPD
Hummmm, there hasn't been a posting in the Charles County Dog shooting thread since yesterday at 2:22 PM. :popcorn: :whistle:


New Member
JohnnyReb said:
Posting While Intoxicated?

LOL I wish, maybe PWF Posting while fried from mowing the lawn.
No that was a quote from John Belushi in Animal House. He was a little toasted though.


New Member
budman473 said:
LOL I wish, maybe PWF Posting while fried from mowing the lawn.
No that was a quote from John Belushi in Animal House. He was a little toasted though.

Oh please don't remind me. I need to cut the grass sometime today and its over 90 degrees..... I want to put it off but I can't any longer :doh:


New Member
JohnnyReb said:
Oh please don't remind me. I need to cut the grass sometime today and its over 90 degrees..... I want to put it off but I can't any longer :doh:
You guys are cutting grass? Mine died in May. It usually waits until the end of July or early August...


Active Member
I went out at 9:00 this morning thinking I'd beat the heat. Yeah right! It was so hot. The grass is pretty much dead but those darn weeds still grow.


Well-Known Member
kalmd said:
I went out at 9:00 this morning thinking I'd beat the heat. Yeah right! It was so hot. The grass is pretty much dead but those darn weeds still grow.
Isn't that a pizzer? Weeds love heat.