Charles County or St Mary's County


Well-Known Member
Definitely St. Mary's, the closer to PAX the better. All the conveniences you want, plus more. :howdy:


Well-Known Member
I lived in Charles County for awhile (La Plata) the only thing I didnt like was my place :lol: It was in the ghetto area because it was what I could afford at the time. I loved how everything was so convienent though.

I love living in St Mary's County though! Very happy I decided to move this way.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Shhh, don't tell eveyone our secret of St. Mary's County. Everyone will want to move down here. :howdy:


Which is a better place to live?

St. Mary's hands down. Charles County has the worst of both worlds. Too close to the city (DC) to escape the crime; not in the city where the real conveniences are (corner store, good public transportation, lots of shopping variety (Waldorf mall sucks), lots of cultural activites to do (ex. Kennedy center). St. Mary's at least still has a nice small town feel to it, even though it has grown alot over the years.


Finishing last
PG county is the best place to live. Calvert and St. Mary's are boring and backwards. Yeah, PG is the place to be.



Routinely Derailed
I enjoyed St. Mary's from 1988 to 2008, and then moved to Calvert. I love it over here and wouldn't move back to St. Mary's. Chuck county and the others were never real competition against the two counties I named, in my humble opinion.


No Longer the Kid
It all depends. All So Md is the same. There are nice places in Charles, Calvert and St. Mary's.... but there are also #### holes in Charles, Calvert and St. Mary's...