Chasing Sen. Sineme


PREMO Member
Left-Wing Activists Harass Senator Sinema During Flight And At Airport

The incident comes after leftists creepily chased Sinema into a bathroom where they berated her over the weekend and recorded her as she used the bathroom.

“Message from Karina – I am a DACA recipient from Arizona who volunteered to help elect Sen. Sinema,” the far-left group ADAC posted on Twitter on Monday. “I asked her to follow through on her promises to immigrants in Arizona and support citizenship through reconciliation.”



PREMO Member
So Much for Feminist Allies: CNN Analyst Applauds Leftists Who Harassed Sinema

I remember Kirsten Powers from her days as an occasionally sane liberal on “The O’Reilly Factor.”

Thought you won’t find it on her Wikipedia page or without research, when she transferred to CNN a few years back, she rapidly went off the deep end. On Monday, Powers decided to wholeheartedly side with the left-wing activists who harassed Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) in the restroom at her place of work.

Sinema, for her part, issued a blistering statement Monday that included, “Yesterday’s behavior was not legitimate protest. It is unacceptable for activist organizations to instruct their members to jeopardize themselves by engaging in unlawful activities such as gaining entry to closed university buildings, disrupting learning environments, and filming students in a restroom.”

President Joe Biden, failing to meet the easiest moment, again exposed himself as an inept hack.


Well-Known Member
I cannot speak for others here, but for me this would make up my mind not to vote for anything these people wanted.
If they harrassed me I would become hardened to my present position just to piss them off.


PREMO Member
Sinema Unloads on Activists Who Chased Her Into a Bathroom

"It is unacceptable for activist organizations to instruct their members to jeopardize themselves by engaging in unlawful activities such as gaining entry to closed university buildings, disrupting learning environments, and filming students in a restroom," Sinema said in a statement on Monday.

"In the 19 years I have been teaching at ASU, I have been committed to creating a safe and intellectually challenging environment for my students," the senator continued. "Yesterday, that environment was breached. My students were unfairly and unlawfully victimized. This is wholly inappropriate."

She concluded: "It is the duty of elected leaders to avoid fostering an environment in which honestly-held policy disagreements serve as the basis for vitriol -- raising the temperature in political rhetoric and creating a permission structure for unacceptable behavior."


PREMO Member
Blame Jeff Flake's Cowardice for the Kyrsten Sinema Bathroom Stalkers

The activists demanded that Flake postpone the confirmation of Kavanagh so that the unfounded and dubious claims put forth by Christine Balsey-Ford could face an FBI investigation. Flake caved and gave the very women who stormed into the elevator exactly what they wanted.

Let's pause the story here for a moment and reflect on everything you just read.

A horde of left-wing political activists stormed into the Capitol building and Judiciary Committee hearing room and violated several laws because they demanded to force their own political priorities into the congressional agenda even though they didn't have the majority or the votes for their cause.

This happened a little over two years before the events of January 6. How on earth did the protesters of January 6 get the idea that if they pushed their way into the Capitol, agitated and disrupted, they'd be welcomed and allowed to continue?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I remember Kirsten Powers from her days as an occasionally sane liberal on “The O’Reilly Factor.”

She had to dial it back for Fox, and especially O'Reilly. The only time he ever had an extremist on his show was when he wanted to win a debate.

But now she is back in the bosom of her ideology mates and can be herself. Let that freak flag fly!


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
This whole set of episodes says so many things about the Democrats - generally - none of them good. Remember when Bernie was saying you can't have two people hold up the Senate? Bear in mind, this is how they view what they wistfully call "flyover country" - the kind of thing you say when you think the area you fly over has VERY LITTLE VALUE except to fly over it.

It's because the 50 Republicans who disagree with him - to him, they don't count at all. Just the two in his party. The 50 Senators who actually represent actual states and actual opinions. If they were concerned at ALL about crafting solutions, they'd have discussion on the Senate floor instead of doing this all in committee and asking for votes.

This is precisely the way a Commuist/Marxist/Nazi talks and thinks - my opinion is right - your behavior is blocking the right thing - you are wrong, because you are blocking me.

And we WILL PUNISH YOU for disagreeing - or voicing a different opinion. Put it on Facebook? We'll shut it down. Speak up at public hearings? We will sic the FBI on you. Question authority? Get put in jail. Spread "disinformation"? Risk jail.

Does NO ONE on the left see, this is how Communism does this? Even now? Jack Ma used to be one of the world's richest men - but he challenged the Chinese Communist Party. Watch him become irrelevant.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
And for what it's worth - if someone has to threaten me or badger me to get me to change my mind -

I know how I would vote.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
This is precisely the way a Commuist/Marxist/Nazi talks and thinks - my opinion is right - your behavior is blocking the right thing - you are wrong, because you are blocking me.

And we WILL PUNISH YOU for disagreeing - or voicing a different opinion. Put it on Facebook? We'll shut it down. Speak up at public hearings? We will sic the FBI on you. Question authority? Get put in jail. Spread "disinformation"? Risk jail.

Does NO ONE on the left see, this is how Communism does this? Even now?

No, they don't. It's astounding watching them cheer this on. I've read about it in history books, but now I'm seeing it in real time with modern humans who have modern forms of information gathering and communication.

This is what it feels like to be the infiltrator of a cult - everyone around you is wild eyed batshit crazy and you're standing there horrified just going, "WTF??"


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
This is what it feels like to be the infiltrator of a cult - everyone around you is wild eyed batshit crazy and you're standing there horrified just going, "WTF??"

I didn't have all that many experiences like that, and most of those were deep in the belly of the beast - along with the seriously devout. They believed any criticism of leadership was - well, TREATED like treason. As far as they were concerned, leaders spoke the oracles of God, because God would not permit his word to be corrupted. I too often asked "then how did we all get here?".

There were a LOT of people I admired who shook their heads and were of a few opinions - one was that such thinking was rare or on its way out - or that they tolerated such jingoism because it served a higher cause - or they just shrugged and went along, because they didn't see a better alternative.

What is bothering me about all this is - GIVE ME EXAMPLES of what an authoritairan, Communist, Marxist government would do. We smirked at the fact that China WOULD NOT ALLOW Facebook, YouTube and other social media in its nation. Like at all. They'd built this firewall around the country and the government was CONSTANTLY upgrading it, to ensure no breaches - because people were always breaking it.

But we do the same. We don't forbid Facebook - we just tell them what they can and cannot allow. We don't rig elections - but we do have control over how they're done and how they can be skirted around. In short, we censor and jail dissidents. We just call them different names.


PREMO Member
No, they don't. It's astounding watching them cheer this on.

I differ .....

Separating Traditional Liberals from Progressives / Authoritarians ....

Average democrats like those living in the fly over states, not packed in the major cities have no clue what the far left is doing in their name the Media Buries this in misinformation in #OrahgemanBad or Insurrection

The Authoritarians know exactly what they are doing ... the ends justify the means


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Average democrats like those living in the fly over states, not packed in the major cities have no clue what the far left is doing in their name the Media Buries this in misinformation in #OrahgemanBad or Insurrection

Then they are ignorant asses because if we can find these things - you and me - everyone can. The MSM tries to bury everything their overlords don't like, yet a good number of us in this country manage to find it anyway. And it's not difficult at all. I mean, my god, it's all right at our fingertips. How much more convenient could it be?

They can only miss it if they try, and that's exactly what they do. They don't watch Fox or visit any news site other than the progbot ones; they block, unfriend, or unfollow anyone on social media who talks about these things; they actively avoid seeing or hearing anything that contradicts what they think is true.

I have a couple friends like that. Hell, one will even start a political topic, then delete any comments contrary to her beliefs. And that's fine, it's her wall, but she will then crow about how informed she is. :lol: I had to unfollow her and stop looking at her posts after she stated that Trump told everyone to drink bleach and lost her chit upon being corrected.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
I had to unfollow her and stop looking at her posts after she stated that Trump told everyone to drink bleach and lost her chit upon being corrected.

I get memes on Facebook all the time - from people who more or less SHARE my views - but they caution people to check out stories they run into.

I wanted to comment - there's a certain BS level where anyone making the smallest effort knows it is bullchit.
WHO WOULD ADVISE people to drink bleach? I don't care how poor a President you think he was, the man has a multi-billion dollar empire and he didn't create it starring in blockbuster movies.

You and I IMMEDIATELY knew the Smollett story was bull - do you remember how long it took for everyone else to catch on? Jeez, even left-wing black comedians knew it was crap. Because who walks around that bastion of MAGA country, Chicago, in the wee hours of the morning with a rope in the freezing cold HOPING to see a guy on a show they'd never seen before?

Even Bill Maher is saying, look you guys, your willingness to believe EVERYTHING is really making us look stupid.


PREMO Member
I have a couple friends like that. Hell, one will even start a political topic, then delete any comments contrary to her beliefs. And that's fine, it's her wall, but she will then crow about how informed she is. :lol: I had to unfollow her and stop looking at her posts after she stated that Trump told everyone to drink bleach and lost her chit upon being corrected.

Fair Enough ... I don't deal with people like that in my social circles I defer to your experience


Well-Known Member
She had to dial it back for Fox, and especially O'Reilly. The only time he ever had an extremist on his show was when he wanted to win a debate.

But now she is back in the bosom of her ideology mates and can be herself. Let that freak flag fly!
Nawww his battles with Barney Fwannnk were epic. Barney took it up the ass every time.


I bowl overhand
It reeks of planning and organization similar to that of the brown shirts, how long before one that disagrees, or doesn't goosestep inline ends up getting killed?


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Democrats Put Out 'Help Wanted' Ad For Submissive, Obedient Woman To Replace Sinema
