Chasko Road


New Member
:dance: Does anyone on this forum remember anyone who lived on Chasko Road in Abell, MD during the 1960's through 1980's? Dr. Bill Chasko and his wife Grace? Bill Laudermilch and his wife Kay; children Ruthie, Mark, Liz, and Billy?

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by RuthieLdrmlch
:dance: Does anyone on this forum remember anyone who lived on Chasko Road in Abell, MD during the 1960's through 1980's? Dr. Bill Chasko and his wife Grace? Bill Laudermilch and his wife Kay; children Ruthie, Mark, Liz, and Billy?
Never lived there but I am positive that I used a dentist named Dr. Chasko many years ago up near the beltway (I think Temple Hills). Could that be him?

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Re: Yes, Mr. King

Originally posted by RuthieLdrmlch
Dr. Chasko did have an office in Temple Hills. He was a hunting and fishing buddy of my Dad's.
Okay, first it's Ken not Mr. (mister) If he is a dentist then he still has an office in Temple Hills ph# is (301) 423-2600. Give it a ring and see if he is the right one. Like I said it has been years since I used his service and it was only once for an emergency when I got banged up playing ball at Andrews and the clinic on base was closed.


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
Originally posted by RuthieLdrmlch
:dance: Does anyone on this forum remember anyone who lived on Chasko Road in Abell, MD during the 1960's through 1980's? Dr. Bill Chasko and his wife Grace? Bill Laudermilch and his wife Kay; children Ruthie, Mark, Liz, and Billy?

Hi Ruthie,
I'm one of Billy's friends. I spent a lot of time at your dad's house in the 70s. I believe I may have met you once (I was the chubby towhead). I was a year behind Liz and a year ahead of Billy in school. Doc died a few years back, predeceased by Miss Grace. They are buried in Charles Memorial Gardens, Leonardtown, very near Bill Glandon who died in a car wreck in '95. Kay, Billy, and Liz attended Bill's funeral together. Young Chasko sold the place shortly after Doc died. You can PM me for additional info. I saw Billy about 2 years back. I was on a road trip through Ohio, and he put us up for a night.


Would THIS face lie?
Dr Chasko was good friends with Ross Huseman, Buddy Downs, Irving Owens, and many more down there in Abell....You probably knew Bernie Owens or Don Owens or maybe even Carol Owens....Did you know any of the Gass girls? (George Gass daughters) Charles Downs? Frannie Huseman? Just to name a few....:biggrin:


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
Originally posted by Dupontster
Dr Chasko was good friends with Ross Huseman, Buddy Downs, Irving Owens, and many more down there in Abell....You probably knew Bernie Owens or Don Owens or maybe even Carol Owens....Did you know any of the Gass girls? (George Gass daughters) Charles Downs? Frannie Huseman? Just to name a few....:biggrin:

Dupontster, I thought this was directed towards Ruthie, but I know most of those you named above. I graduated with Jeff Huseman and see Frannie around the 7th District occasionally. My brother used to hang out with Don, Billy S., and Charles from time to time. Sounds like you grew up on the "Alley" yourself. :cheers: