Check those credit card statements!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Mine came today. I saw two charges that didnt seem to be accurate. One is the SEVEN ELEVEN in Huntingtown for over 30 bucks. No, they dont have gas pumps and I dont go to that store for a number of legitimate reasons...Also was a charge for like 25 bucks from C & K, Inc. Huntingtown Md.

A call to the banks credit card security number was frustrating at best ( I had to explain everything several times due to a language barrier.....(I sprayed my phone with WuHan LYSOL afterwards), but C & K Inc., by billing account number, had a Michigan telephone number the bank guy gave me. Its a septic service and the owner has been in business like 70 years. He has no businesses in Maryland .

The guy at 7-11 said the billing account number isnt his or the other two stores they own.

So, a new card is on its way..

Check your bills folks!


Well-Known Member
Had similar thing happen to me a few years back. Had a charge on my debt from a local business. Because of the size of the charge I had a couple checks bounce. Investigation showed that it was a phone order and the charge card was one digit different and entered wrong. Even the security number on back was the same.


Active Member
I had the same thing happen for a gas purchase at 7-11. The charge was for Huntingtown, I challenged it and was refunded. However, I later found that a gas purchase at the 7-11 in Pr. Fred. (across from Giant) showed up on my bill as Huntingtown. I had kept the receipt from the purchase and compared it to the credit card bill and it was the same.