Cheltenham Hay Auction's HIGH LOW REPORT


Kiss my Ass
Alfalfa from $3.50 to $5.20 with the average price $4.73

Alfalfa Mixed from $3.90 to $4.05 with the average price $3.96

Lg Sq Bales (1000+ lbs) alfalfa $86

Mixed Grass from $3.00 to $6.80 with the average price $4.93

Orchard Grass from $4.75 to $7.05 with the average price $5.88
(The 7.05 bales were HUGE and very heavy beautiful second cutting)

Round bale Mixed $45

Round bale Orchard fro $35 to $54 with the average price $44

Rye Grass $2.25

Straw $3.00

Timothy Mixed (very nice hay) $4.80 to $5.60 with the average $5.26

Next Auction Febuary 17th.


Does my butt look big?
Actually looks like GREAT prices to me...thats the place to go for sure...I would be tickled with any of those...


Rocky Mountain High!!
I wouldn't pay 45 for one round bale when i buy the number sold at the entire auction in one load which i buy every 5-6 weeks.


Does my butt look big?
happyappygirl said:
I wouldn't pay 45 for one round bale when i buy the number sold at the entire auction in one load which i buy every 5-6 weeks.

You will have to when the hay crunch hits you....Happens every year..or you will have to keep going to your source on the Eastern shore...I see this every year around here for 20 yrs..

In Tx right now a bale is $14

In Ca a good bale of hay is almost $20

and in Aruba a bale (normal square) is $30

out west there is a HORRIBLE problem with hay and it will end up effecting us..

How many are you feeding ..not much more then me right? I feed 3 squares a day right now...

Can you go to squares and not free feed so you can limit the hay they are eatting? fat cows... :lmao:


Does my butt look big?
Here are some quotes

Co - Think that is expensive? I saw an ad in the paper yesterday...60lbs bale of grass hay for $9.00.
I just bought alfalfa cubes for $6.30 each 50lbs bag (picked it up at the plant ---1 bag=1 bale). Compressed hay costs $7.99 per bale. At the feed store I pay $8.50 per 60lbs grass or alfalfa bale. Large bales of grass, like 800lbs, cost $100. Larger bales of pure alfalfa, weighing 1,800 to 2,000 lbs are about or over $200 each. Last fall, I found a "deal" of grass hay, for $5.50 a bale and had to pick it out of the field. Straw was $4.50 per bale last fall.
Cattle are starving here and the Cattlemen's Association spokesman has asked on TV for anyone who has hay for sale, to please call. Cow hay starts at $4.50 ....Ranchers are taking their cattle to the sale. They are thin, so don't bring much and there are not many buyers because of no hay (no inexpensive hay)...Wonder what that'll do to the beef market?????
Just looked outside and it is SNOWING again....

Miss - Yeah, there is no one around here that has hay of ANY kind. It is terrible. I don't know what people are going to do. I don't know what the poor animals are going to do. I had to break down and feed some of my hoarded bale hay to mine. It is raining and cold. Casi was standing outside shivering. This is so depressing.

Ga - I'm down to my last supplier. He is $70 for a round bale. It is costing me $210 every 14 days in hay alone. Shots coggins and ferrier all do. Guess what I have a sale on horses.

Tx- Gee guys...our feed stores are selling coastal at 9.50 to 10.50 a bale...but the guy at mine was kind and gave me the numbers of someone that had it for ain't purdy but they're eatin' it.
It's much better than the pretty green fluffy hay full of white powder that my mare coliced on earlier this week!
Oh and I just bought four bales of alfalfa for 12.50 a bale.
The good news is raining here. A LOT. God is good.
The guy who sold me this hay got smart (as we were unloading the hay and he stood there yacking) and said prices are gonna stay high for the next three years because they're three years behind.
I told my partner that's b.s. What he didn't take into account is 90% of us horse owners all have coastal hay fields ourselves and as soon as the grass starts to grow...we won't be calling him as much. When the supply exceeds the demand, the prices have got to go down. There's alway's gonna be some Joe out there that will sell his hay for $4 a bale again...and everyone will have to go down. So sit tight and pray for it to KEEP rainin' hard as that seems right now...

Oh, and rounds are going for $100 a bale...yeah.

Aruba- Ha. I found some low quality hay for about $10, I was happy because normally I had to pay around $30 for a bale. Guess what? My horse simply refused to eat it. So now back to the $30 hay

Ga- My hay supplier delivered 2 round bales to me last week (they are gone now). At $50 per bale.
They also said fertilizer was up to $400 per ton. That means hay will be going up next year. Last year I paid $3.00 per bale in the field for bermuda.


Well-Known Member
Pasofever said:
Can you go to squares and not free feed so you can limit the hay they are eatting? fat cows... :lmao:

:lmao: When we had horses, we got them a round bale once because we thought it'd be easier. The pigs didn't LEAVE the bale...they were glued to it. We never did that again!


Kiss my Ass
happyappygirl said:
I wouldn't pay 45 for one round bale when i buy the number sold at the entire auction in one load which i buy every 5-6 weeks.

The round bale mixed orchard/alfalfa that sold, well, I bought them ALL. They were $45. Were WAY heavier than the Hay Lady's bales. About 900 to 1000lbs. Definately the buy of the day. Beautiful hay. I would have bought more if he had them.


Rocky Mountain High!!
Pasofever said:
You will have to when the hay crunch hits you....Happens every year..or you will have to keep going to your source on the Eastern shore...I see this every year around here for 20 yrs..

In Tx right now a bale is $14

In Ca a good bale of hay is almost $20

and in Aruba a bale (normal square) is $30

out west there is a HORRIBLE problem with hay and it will end up effecting us..

How many are you feeding ..not much more then me right? I feed 3 squares a day right now...

Can you go to squares and not free feed so you can limit the hay they are eatting? fat cows... :lmao:
:frown: MY horses are NOT fat they''re.....healthy. that's meam.
right now i'm feeding 10 plus pony who goes to Barb's today. Rottncop just won't let 'em go. You know he's a collector :lol:
I also only grain once a day in the winter. How many are you feeding? Oh you can cut yours by half, since they're only half the size of mine :lol:
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Rocky Mountain High!!
Busterduck said:
The round bale mixed orchard/alfalfa that sold, well, I bought them ALL. They were $45. Were WAY heavier than the Hay Lady's bales. About 900 to 1000lbs. Definately the buy of the day. Beautiful hay. I would have bought more if he had them.
Did you bid with everyone else?


Rocky Mountain High!!
An Alfalfa mixed hay was bid up to only 45.00 a bale? Wow. That's great. How much Alfalfa is in it and what area did it come from? How much do they weigh? It is nice to see those that are doing rounds are improving the quality of them, since more horse people are buying them. Better quality market = more money per bale.
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Kiss my Ass
happyappygirl said:
An Alfalfa mixed hay was bid up to only 45.00 a bale? Wow. That's great. How much Alfalfa is in it and what area did it come from? How much do they weigh? It is nice to see those that are doing rounds are improving the quality of them, since more horse people are buying them. Better quality market = more money per bale.

It had very little alfalfa but was very nice hay. They weigh more than the Hay Lady's hay and her's is about 750lbs. I'm guessing 900? Wish we had a scale.


Rocky Mountain High!!
Busterduck said:
It had very little alfalfa but was very nice hay. They weigh more than the Hay Lady's hay and her's is about 750lbs. I'm guessing 900? Wish we had a scale.
i thought i saw one in the auction building? towards the back? would be interesting to see what these things weigh for sure. then we can make an accurate assessment of what the cost actually is verses buying squares.
either way, rounds are SO much more convenient. and they learn pretty quickly to clean up after themselves and not throw it all over the place when you let them go for 1/2 or 3/4 a day with an empty feeder, :lol: BTW, i saw yours, its nice. are the sides solid or slatted? and is there a bottom?


Kiss my Ass
happyappygirl said:
i thought i saw one in the auction building? towards the back? would be interesting to see what these things weigh for sure. then we can make an accurate assessment of what the cost actually is verses buying squares.
either way, rounds are SO much more convenient. and they learn pretty quickly to clean up after themselves and not throw it all over the place when you let them go for 1/2 or 3/4 a day with an empty feeder, :lol: BTW, i saw yours, its nice. are the sides solid or slatted? and is there a bottom?

Mine has a wooden bottom with grilled sides.

I'll check about the scale. I have a borard meeting tomorrow. Should be able to find out then. It would be nice to have them weighed. We just get them in so fast right before the auction that I don't know if we would have the time. Poor Russ spends his whole day on that forklift.


Rocky Mountain High!!
Pasofever said:
:gossip: still gets rounds somewhere local for $30 bale
yeah but do they have fescue in them?
i hate roy norris' hay...he plows up ditch bank hay. last batch i got had that white fluffy stuff in it, and the horses looked like it had snowed on them in july, and mine actually lost body condition on it. it was awful.


R.I.P. Bobo, We miss you!
happyappygirl said:
yeah but do they have fescue in them?
i hate roy norris' hay...he plows up ditch bank hay. last batch i got had that white fluffy stuff in it, and the horses looked like it had snowed on them in july, and mine actually lost body condition on it. it was awful.

Happy, have you gotten any more from up the road from me? I usually only bring home 4 at a time. Some have been nice and some so so.


Rocky Mountain High!!
SouthernMdRocks said:
Happy, have you gotten any more from up the road from me? I usually only bring home 4 at a time. Some have been nice and some so so.
not in the last 2 months. will soon though. you got some yukky ones?


R.I.P. Bobo, We miss you!
happyappygirl said:
not in the last 2 months. will soon though. you got some yukky ones?

It seems I got a couple that had some dirt in them. Enough for me to notice when I was rolling one out. Mostly they have been nice though. I am still debating some large squares. I saw some at one of the auctions, I think they were for you and they looked really nice and green.