Cheney vs. Edwards


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
An interesting look at both men...
Seems like the author doesn't really care for either one of them. :lol:

Cheney and Edwards: The Me 2 Campaign
On the Trail, Looking for Second Best

By Mark Leibovich
Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, August 15, 2004; Page D01

DAYTON, Ohio -- Dick Cheney and John Edwards have a few things in common: They are both running for vice president and they are both Homo sapiens.

But you would struggle to find two greater stylistic opposites in American politics.

Edwards is a populist outsider; Cheney is a capitalist insider.

Edwards, who is 51 but looks younger, is known for his oratorical flair and exuberance. Cheney, who is 63 but looks older, is known for his reticence and discretion. He takes as a mantra, "You never get in trouble for something you don't say." (A quote he attributes to former House speaker Sam Rayburn.) Edwards's wife, Elizabeth, calls her relentlessly sunny husband "the most optimistic person I know." Cheney once took a personality test that found him best-suited to a career as a funeral director.

Edwards runs four miles a day. Cheney has had four heart attacks.

Edwards is "very beautiful," according to Teresa Heinz Kerry. Cheney is "not the prettiest face in the race," says President Bush.

"People keep telling me that Senator Edwards got picked for his good looks, charm and great hair," Cheney said in a speech here Thursday. "And I say to them, 'How do you think I got this job?' " The line -- a staple of his stump routine -- always brings giggles. But it also is revealing. These are very different men touting very different tickets to very different constituencies. To compare their manners, themes, applause lines and crowds is to glimpse the distinct anthropologies of the two campaigns for the presidency.




Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I wouldn't say the author dislikes either candidate - I'd say he'd being unbiased and describing the VP candidates to a T. Because that's what it really boils down to this election period - style vs. substance. Some folks want a red Porsche. Some, like me, just want something that will get them from point A to point B safely and reliably.


He's a left leaner. Notice how he contrasts only positives for Edwards and negatives for Cheney.