Chernobyl...after 20-ON a Bike!


Well-Known Member
The following site has been updated by the woman photographer: shooting pictures of the nuclear wasteland around Chernobyl.
She has total access to the region due to her father;s she riders her motorcycle through this strange wasteland.
alternative start page:

Two things:
a)....I can't believe its been 20 years.
b)....Only God can truly protect us from this horror if the Moslems want to unleash it on us--is this what DC & the beltway would look like if Iran gets their way?
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On another note I was watching some college channel on the dish network and there was a professor discussing dirty bombs and the impact one would have on cities of different sizes and what type of support system would need to be in place...blah.blah.blah...

One interesting note that he pointed out that the standards for exposure time to a radiated area is different between the two main US agencies...and I can't remember which acronyms they were...point is that these results for exposure, according to the professor, were based off laboratory experiments and not from real world (of course). Being that there are two different standards complicates matters further.

So now say a dirty bomb goes off in Manhattan. What do we do with these multi-million dollar buildings? What are the standards that they will be held to? What happens to the ones which are not able to be decontaminated? Are they torn down? etc.etc..

It really brings to light how little we the public know about our countries CBR defense capabilites...if we even have adequate ones...and the training that needs to take place for those rescue and decontamination workers...