How does one cancel another persons debit card?
.I once tried to close a savings and checking account with hers and my name on them...
Sorry Sir, you can take your name off and thats about it....
It might have been an authorized user debit card on his account..
I read the story.. they didn't say they witnessed any physical abuse.. and they said the wife was previously unfaithful.. people tend to carry that anger for a long time especially without psychotherapy.. this is a poorly written 3rd party story without much info from parties 1 and 2..
i'm more inclined to be sympathetic to the party who was cheated on.. sometimes claims of abuse are actually self defense..
I would need to hear from both parties before I invest any sympathy or weighing on the probability of truthfulness.
sometimes the truth about domestic violence is that 2 a-holes got together and gave each other what they deserve..
and in that case i'd mind my business and let them carry on.