Chicken Pox


What love is all about
I am not sure what they look like for sure. I have looked at the web sites but am still not sure. My daughter has just broke out with a rash on her tummy (not really bad just a few spots), they look like little red spots that have pimples in the middle. The pictures I have looked up show them as being clear spots, these look white just like pimples. She also has like two or three in the diaper area. Could these be chicken pox and if so what do I do? I know that there is nothing the doctor can do about them so taking her to see the doctor would be pointless right? But I guess I will have to if I cant figure out if they really are chicken pox.


New Member
I am not sure what they look like for sure. I have looked at the web sites but am still not sure. My daughter has just broke out with a rash on her tummy (not really bad just a few spots), they look like little red spots that have pimples in the middle. The pictures I have looked up show them as being clear spots, these look white just like pimples. She also has like two or three in the diaper area. Could these be chicken pox and if so what do I do? I know that there is nothing the doctor can do about them so taking her to see the doctor would be pointless right? But I guess I will have to if I cant figure out if they really are chicken pox.

Take your kid to the Doctor. I always would rather be safe than sorry :shrug:


33 yrs & we r still n luv
I am not sure what they look like for sure. I have looked at the web sites but am still not sure. My daughter has just broke out with a rash on her tummy (not really bad just a few spots), they look like little red spots that have pimples in the middle. The pictures I have looked up show them as being clear spots, these look white just like pimples. She also has like two or three in the diaper area. Could these be chicken pox and if so what do I do? I know that there is nothing the doctor can do about them so taking her to see the doctor would be pointless right? But I guess I will have to if I cant figure out if they really are chicken pox.

Take your child to the doctor. My grand daughter had the pox recently and it was determined by a swab test of the mouth. Now, I wasn't there (at the drs), but they never scabbed over so i doubt that's what they were. I even looked them up in a recent childhood medical book I just got from the paxr clinic a month ago. IMO the diagnosis didn't fit the issue. But we got to spend time with our "baby girl". I really thought the pox was pretty much eliminated in today's world? :confused: Or is it the measels?


My Sweetest Boy
Have you had them? You're pregnant, right? That can be very dangerous.

I'd take your daughter to the doctor just to have her checked out.


What love is all about
Ok I will make an appointment in the morning. I mean theres no reason for her to have to go tonight is there? I know how crowded it can be. Yes I am pregnant but I have had them so I am hoping it wont be too bad. I do have to go see my doctor tomorrow so maybe he can advise me if she does have them.


My Sweetest Boy
Ok I will make an appointment in the morning. I mean theres no reason for her to have to go tonight is there? I know how crowded it can be. Yes I am pregnant but I have had them so I am hoping it wont be too bad. I do have to go see my doctor tomorrow so maybe he can advise me if she does have them.

No, you can wait until tomorrow. You probably know NOT to use aspirin for aches/fever, right?
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Well-Known Member
From Chickenpox

he rash begins as multiple small, red bumps that look like pimples or insect bites. They develop into thin-walled blisters filled with clear fluid, which becomes cloudy. The blister wall breaks, leaving open sores, which finally crust over to become dry, brown scabs.

Chickenpox and Pregnancy

Pregnant women and anyone with immune system problems should not be near a person with chickenpox. If a pregnant woman who hasn't had chickenpox in the past contracts it (especially in the first 20 weeks of pregnancy), the fetus is at risk for birth defects and she is at risk for more health complications than if she'd been infected when she wasn't pregnant. If she develops chickenpox just before or after the child is born, the newborn is at risk for serious health complications. There is no risk to the developing baby if the woman develops shingles during the pregnancy.

If a pregnant woman has had chickenpox before the pregnancy, the baby will be protected from infection for the first few months of life, since the mother's immunity gets passed on to the baby through the placenta and breast milk.

Those at risk for severe disease or serious complications — such as newborns whose mothers had chickenpox at the time of delivery, patients with leukemia or immune deficiencies, and kids receiving drugs that suppress the immune system — may be given varicella zoster immune globulin after exposure to chickenpox to reduce its severity.


What love is all about
I goofed...I mean to say you CAN wait until tomorrow. I'm tired. :lol:

Good luck.

LOL. Good cause I would have taken her. I run to the ER for every high fever and anything with her. I am so paranoid that I will not make the right decision so I go regardless. I figured I would try to take the cool approach this time and wait and see if she gets anymore or call in the morning and then I just couldnt wait. I was hoping someone on here would be able to help. But its good to know that my first response to go to the doctor was correct. Yay me.


Luvin Life !!!
How old is your daughter? All children now get the Varicella vaccine to prevent CP. Go get her shot record and take a look. Also you have to have come in contact with an infected person to contract it I believe.


What love is all about
How old is your daughter? All children now get the Varicella vaccine to prevent CP. Go get her shot record and take a look. Also you have to have come in contact with an infected person to contract it I believe.

I dont have to look I know she got it at a year. Having the vaccine though does not mean she cant get it as far as I recall. So I am just gonna call in the morning and make sure it is or isnt.


Luvin Life !!!
I dont have to look I know she got it at a year. Having the vaccine though does not mean she cant get it as far as I recall. So I am just gonna call in the morning and make sure it is or isnt.

I had a scare last year with my daughter and I told the Doc the same thing. I thought that she still could get it even though she had the vaccine. Doctor said not possible. Anyway my little one had an allergic reaction to something that $100 tube of cream cured.