Does anyone else find the rules for keeping chickens in Charles County ridiculous? I have been interested in keeping them for awhile, but with the current situation I managed to convince my husband it would be nice to have egg laying hens. I never even considered it would be an issue since I live on 1.5 acres in agriculture zoning, but apparently charles county says 1 full grown chicken per 1/2 acre regardless of zoning (apparently if I had 2 acres I could keep 4 hens per acre). There are cities in Maryland that allow more than that on a postage stamp size lot! I am not looking to start a business or sell anything, just have enough hens to keep my family in eggs. Are there any movements I could join to help change this? I know I saw that the laws were changed in La Plata and if I am reading it correctly the laws for in the town of La Plata are the same for me in an agricultural zone!