PGPD Chief Aziz Joins County Executive, DC Mayor and DC Police Chief to Address Rise in Carjackings by Juvenile Suspects


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Prince George’s County Police Chief Malik Aziz today joined County Executive Angela Alsobrooks, DC Mayor Muriel Bowser and DC Police Chief Robert Contee III to discuss a rise in carjackings in both jurisdictions, specifically carjackings committed by juvenile suspects. Prince George’s County and the District of Columbia will enhance joint crime-fighting efforts along the border and increase intelligence sharing.

So far in 2022, there have been 64 reported carjackings in Prince George’s County with five adult arrests and 14 juvenile arrests. These arrests are in addition to the 86 juvenile arrests in 2021.

Here is a breakdown of carjacking statistics and arrests since 2019:


Total cases reported: 393

Adult arrests: 66

Juvenile arrests: 86


Total cases reported: 263

Adult arrests: 92

Juvenile arrests: 77


Total cases reported: 93

Adult arrests: 22

Juvenile arrests: 21

“The Prince George’s County Police Department is committed to an even stronger working relationship with our law enforcement partners at the Metropolitan Police Department. We know that criminals often commit crimes in one jurisdiction, for example here in the county, and then immediately cross over the border into DC. Criminals know no borders. The growing number of juveniles committing these violent offenses cannot continue. Our communities deserve to be safe and the juveniles deserve a brighter future. We must hold juveniles accountable for their actions and ensure they are getting the services needed as well,” said Prince George’s County Police Chief Malik Aziz.

“We have seen a troubling increase in carjackings across our region, driven in large part by juveniles,” said Prince George’s County Executive Angela Alsobrooks. “Our ecosystem is damaged, and while we are doing everything we can to resolve this issue, it cannot be solved by government and police departments alone. We need our community and families to step up and join us by wrapping their arms around these kids, because they are the future of our community.”

In Prince George’s County, in order to tackle the growing number of carjackings, Chief Aziz recently established a Carjacking Interdiction Unit (CIU) which centralizes carjacking investigations with detectives assigned solely to carjacking cases. Since it launched on September 26, 2021, the CIU has received 204 cases and made 92 arrests. Of those arrests, 29 are adults and 63 are juveniles.

“Chief Aziz’s creation of the Carjacking Interdiction Unit is a clear signal that the PGPD is committed to stopping the growing trend of carjackings in the county. In a majority of our cases with juveniles, we are dealing with repeat offenders. Several of the juveniles have been arrested previously for robbery, carjacking and possession of firearms. The message out on the street is clear. We have heard directly from juveniles who have told us “nothing is going to happen to me”. The arrest however, is only the first step in justice and accountability,” said Major Sunny Mrotek, Commander of the Carjacking Interdiction Unit.

One of the most recent carjackings in the county was captured on a home surveillance system. On January 10, 2022, at approximately 5:25 pm, two victims had just arrived to their Temple Hills home when two suspects approached them on their front porch. At least one of those suspects had a weapon. The suspects demanded the victims’ keys and other personal belongings and then stole their vehicle parked in front of their home. The victims were not injured.

In November 2020, the PGPD arrested two juvenile suspects in connection with another carjacking caught on a home surveillance system in Lanham. In the video, one suspect runs up to two victims who are outside. The suspect is holding an assault rifle, while the other suspect is holding a handgun and demands the ATV which belonged to one of the victims. On December 5, 2021, and January 19, 2022, both of those juvenile suspects arrested for the 2020 case were arrested again for separate armed carjackings in the county.

The press conference with County Executive Alsobrooks, DC Mayor Bowser, Chief Contee and Chief Aziz can be viewed here:

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