Chief Sh!tting Bull stands defiant...

Larry Gude

Strung Out

It's getting serious...

Colorado Gov. Bill Owens, a Republican, has called for Churchill to be dismissed and state lawmakers have passed resolutions denouncing him.

And the Chief...

"I do not work for the taxpayers of Colorado, and I don't work for Bill Owens. I work for you," Churchill told the audience.

But then Chief Churchill saz...

Churchill has resigned as chairman of the university's ethnic studies department but has threatened to sue the school if he is fired.

So, the question begs Professor Churchill;

If you work for the students, why don't you sue them if you get fired?

scupper trout

I lost a very dear friend in Tower II. This guy is conducting his own form of terror.

I say if he doesn't like it here so much and the American people (or victims of 911 actions) are so bad, then maybe HE should move to Iraq and help the people he seems to be championing on their behalf.

Frankly, we all have the right to speak our minds. But in doing so comes the moral and civil obligation to be held accountable for those views, opinions and actions.

In fact he does work for the taxpayers of Colorado as it is a public academic organization and receives public funds.

The local sheriff needs to check this guys garage (Churchill) for a meth lab as his oars aren't paddling in the same direction.

Sorry folks, this guy just burns me.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Sorry you lost someone dear.

I suspect, though obviously I didn't know your friend, if you could describe him personally to Churchill you'd likely not be using terms like 'Nazi' and 'Eichmann'.

I want this guys words spread long and loud. I think he represents a saddly large number of Americans opinions on 9/11 and I want that as public and in everyones face as possible.

BTW: It should read "Hold my beer AND watch this!"


New Member
A former student said that after the Oklahoma City bombing he expressed his approval. Apparently white babies don't count. :shrug:


I bowl overhand
Bogart said:
A former student said that after the Oklahoma City bombing he expressed his approval. Apparently white babies don't count. :shrug:
I watched him on TV last night, and with his "Fist in the air" posturing, and yelling, and Native American entourage that led him to the building.. I would have to label him as a bonafide racist.. that he believes ANY white person making a living in any capacity other then a shoe shiner or a jantitor is a little Eichman.
This guy is dangerous, and given the means would probably try to do something similar to the Twin Towers to make his voice heard.. or being the coward that he is, would coerce someone else to do, then talk about the deed after the fact.
What scares me the most, is he actually has SUPPORTERS... how mentally stable can they be?


New Member
wannabe phag


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New Member
One of the things I’ve suggested is that it may be that more 9/11s are necessary. This seems like such a no-brainer that I hate to frame it in terms of actual transformation of consciousness. ‘Hey those brown-skinned folks dying in the millions in order to maintain this way of life, they can wait forever for those who purport to be the opposition here to find some personally comfortable and pure manner of affecting the kind of transformation that brings not just lethal but genocidal processes to a halt.’ They have no obligation—moral, ethical, legal or otherwise—to sit on their thumbs while the opposition here dithers about doing anything to change the system. So it’s removing the sense of—and right to—impunity from the American opposition.


New Member
There’s no U.S. in America anymore. What’s on the map instead? Well let’s just start with territoralities often delineated in treaties of fact—territoralities of 500 indigenous nations imbued with an inalienable right to self-determination, definable territoralities which are jurisdictionally separate. Then you’ve got things like the internal diasporic population of African Americans in internal colonies that have been established by the imposition of labor patterns upon them. You’ve got Appalachian whites. Since the U.S. unilaterally violated its treaty obligations, it forfeits its rights—or presumption of rights—under international law. Basically, you’ve got a dismantlement and devolution of the U.S. territorial and jurisdictional corpus into something that would be more akin to diasporic self-governing entities and a multiplicity of geographical locations. A-ha, chew on that one for awhile.