

New Member
All right 1 of my horses has chiggers up and down the front legs. I know about one remedy with a 50/50 mix of vasiline and sulfer poultice. Is there anything else that anyone has tried to clear it up faster? She is miserable.


I guess you can't use clear nail polish on a horses chiggers like you can a persons. That stuff works well for my husbands huntin' chiggers. Poor horse! :huggy:


New Member
what does it look like?

i don't know a remedy, but my horse has something weird on his back leg, trying to figure it out. its a patch of tiny crusty bumps really close together on the front of his hock, and then more spread out on the rest of his leg


New Member
I have heard solarcaine takes the itch out but I worry because the rub their faces on the front legs and I dont want any eye problems


New Member
Robin said:
unfortunately no it would probably take quite a bit.
I use ChiggerEX when I get them, works good but not sure if safe for a horse

I never thought about a horse getting them.

I know the best was to get them off your legs is to use a saws-all and cut your legs off. I have had them so bad I have gotten the swas-all out but got drunk and pasted out first


New Member
devinej said:
what does it look like?

i don't know a remedy, but my horse has something weird on his back leg, trying to figure it out. its a patch of tiny crusty bumps really close together on the front of his hock, and then more spread out on the rest of his leg

well welcome to the world of it could be chiggers. they ooze then crust then they itch em like he!!


Horse Poor
Robin said:
well welcome to the world of it could be chiggers. they ooze then crust then they itch em like he!!

Would linament do any good with the alcohol in it...? I've never heard of horses getting chiggers...I know we used sulfur in boots for that...


New Member
HunterJJD said:
I use ChiggerEX when I get them, works good but not sure if safe for a horse

I never thought about a horse getting them.

I know the best was to get them off your legs is to use a saws-all and cut your legs off. I have had them so bad I have gotten the swas-all out but got drunk and pasted out first
Unfortunitly with horses you have to be careful what you put on them, Dr Stott told me sublimed sulfur powder and vasiline it works but it stinks and it is a mess. I was just wondering if any horse owners knew of anything else...


New Member
mingiz said:
Would linament do any good with the alcohol in it...? I've never heard of horses getting chiggers...I know we used sulfur in boots for that...
I have a NICE Thoroughbred mare that has them. I dont want a rocket ship. I would think with open wounds I dont want to use alcohol. Besides I dont want demolition on a building that I tie her to. I will never get near her again if I use something that burns.....


Horse Poor
well then you'll have to deal with stinky & gooey. We use to put sulhfur powder in our boots and socks. It seemed to work we never had chiggers. Also I have heard the old timers use bacon grease and sulphur om wounds...


Well-Known Member
Robin, why don't you just cold hose her several times a day? It would probably help with the itching. With chiggers, you can only use topical stuff to treat the symptoms anyways. You just have to wait it out.


New Member
Cowgirl said:
Robin, why don't you just cold hose her several times a day? It would probably help with the itching. With chiggers, you can only use topical stuff to treat the symptoms anyways. You just have to wait it out.
Yes thank you cowgirl, I have been hosing to clean them off and take the crust off, then I have to dry them. and smother the sulfur mix on them. phew it stinks! I was just hoping someone had another remedy that might have worked with not so much mess. Mingis I have heard of the bacon grease before with the sulfur just havent tried that yet. I have to use dish detergent to remove the vaseline " again a vet told me to use it breaks up the petroleum to be removed with out too much scrubbing.


Well-Known Member
Robin said:
Yes thank you cowgirl, I have been hosing to clean them off and take the crust off, then I have to dry them. and smother the sulfur mix on them. phew it stinks! I was just hoping someone had another remedy that might have worked with not so much mess. Mingis I have heard of the bacon grease before with the sulfur just havent tried that yet. I have to use dish detergent to remove the vaseline " again a vet told me to use it breaks up the petroleum to be removed with out too much scrubbing.

They also have those ice pack "wraps." They have removeable inserts that you can freeze. She might really like the cooling effect on the itchy legs.


New Member
supposidly the sulfur kills and drys out the wound and the vaseline smothers them so they cant hatch and move to another hair folicle and start the process over. I have the ice wraps, thank you again cowgirl.


New Member
Robin said:
supposidly the sulfur kills and drys out the wound and the vaseline smothers them so they cant hatch and move to another hair folicle and start the process over. I have the ice wraps, thank you again cowgirl.

Just for the record. Chiggers do not lay eggs or bury into the skin(this is an old wives tale). They bite you and suck up your liquified flesh.

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