Childcare recommendations


New Member
I am in Lexington Park and am interested in good/bad stories about childcare. I have a 2 year old and would like any information about licensed providers in the area.

I am especially interested in Creative Beginnings.



American Beauty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by laureng
Prep and Play in Hollywood is STUPENDOUS! I used to work there and my 3 year old attends now.
:yeahthat: I never worked there, but my daughter attends there too. Our daughters are little buddies! :biggrin:

The list is long though, so go check it out and if interested, get on the list. You can always so no later. Good luck. :smile:


New Member
too far

Unfortunately, that is a bit out of my way. I currently have a friend watching my Dd, but she recently moved from LP to Hollywood and it takes me 40 minutes to drive there and back to work. Since I work PT, it takes too much time out of my day just driving, thanks :)

(ps. Hi Lauren)
