One way China seeks to Sinicize Christianity is by re-writing the Bible. A complete communist translation has yet to be revealed. The news of one chapter’s government-approved revision left Christians outraged last month.
A textbook for a class on professional ethics and law at the government-run University of Electronic Science and Technology Press quotes the Bible’s book of John, chapter eight. In this passage, an adulterous woman is brought to Jesus, and her accusers ask if she should be killed by stoning for her sins.
In every authentically translated version of scripture, Jesus responds, “Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her.” These words disperse the angry crowd, and Jesus tells the woman, “Go, and from now on sin no more” (ESV).
The Chinese Communist Party’s version takes a different turn. In this telling, the crowd leaves, but Jesus tells the woman, “I too am a sinner. But if the law could only be executed by men without blemish, the law would be dead.” Then Jesus proceeds to stone the woman.
The Party’s distortion of scripture whereby the Savior kills a woman is offensive and defamatory. That the CCP made this change is revealing. The Party’s story teaches that forgiveness, an important Christian value is rejected and the law must be obeyed without question. In China, the law is whatever the CCP says.
A textbook for a class on professional ethics and law at the government-run University of Electronic Science and Technology Press quotes the Bible’s book of John, chapter eight. In this passage, an adulterous woman is brought to Jesus, and her accusers ask if she should be killed by stoning for her sins.
In every authentically translated version of scripture, Jesus responds, “Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her.” These words disperse the angry crowd, and Jesus tells the woman, “Go, and from now on sin no more” (ESV).
The Chinese Communist Party’s version takes a different turn. In this telling, the crowd leaves, but Jesus tells the woman, “I too am a sinner. But if the law could only be executed by men without blemish, the law would be dead.” Then Jesus proceeds to stone the woman.
The Party’s distortion of scripture whereby the Savior kills a woman is offensive and defamatory. That the CCP made this change is revealing. The Party’s story teaches that forgiveness, an important Christian value is rejected and the law must be obeyed without question. In China, the law is whatever the CCP says.
China To Christians: Use This 'Bible' Communists Rewrote, Or Else
Faith is increasingly under attack in President Xi Jinping’s China. People around the world should be speaking up in defense of China’s believers.