Chinese Democracy


New Member
You should get it. It takes a while to get over the "It's not "Guns N' Roses" thing". but if you accept it as an Axl Rose solo album (more on that decision later) and give it about 4 weeks to grow on you, you'll like it.

Trust me.

Money back guarantee.


Common sense ain't common
Bought it with my birthday money around Thanksgiving and I rather enjoy the whole album. Think my favorite song on there (at least at the moment) would have to be Shackler's Revenge. I've always like GNR (I have all their albums)
Eccentric as Axl is, you can't deny he has one hell of an interesting vocal range.


New Member
Bought it with my birthday money around Thanksgiving and I rather enjoy the whole album. Think my favorite song on there (at least at the moment) would have to be Shackler's Revenge. I've always like GNR (I have all their albums)
Eccentric as Axl is, you can't deny he has one hell of an interesting vocal range.

Thank you for the review.

I'm old enough (geeky enough) to have bought it on release day. I only liked "Chinese Demococracy" (song #1) at first. Even though I was mentally prepared for it to NOT be "Guns n' Roses"....I had a hard time dealing with it.

But once I let go of the "Guns N' Roses" thing of it, and learned to hear it as "Axl Rose"...I learned to like it.

I love the album now. I really do. It's NOT "Guns N' Roses"...but as an Axl Rose solo it grows on you like MAD!!!!

I love it.

Favorite song (today) is "Better" (#3). But it changes.


New Member

...I think the thing with this disc is you don't get the effect if you just hear one song by itself. It's not single friendly (rumour is there's two more albums in the bank)...and Axl isn't promoting it in some sort of protest with the intitial release.


It's damn good. It's not "Appetite", where it grabs you by the neck instantly. least with me, I went from "What the hell is this rubbish" to listening to nothing but this disc every day.

It's not Guns N' Roses. And it's NOT Velvet Revolver.

But it IS Axl Rose. And it's good. After a while, it's GREAT!!!


Football addict
Big G&R fan. I haven't bought the cd yet but I think it will suck.

Axl lost his voice a decade ago.


New Member
Big G&R fan. I haven't bought the cd yet but I think it will suck.

Axl lost his voice a decade ago.

Axl's voice is great on this album. It's multi-layered, and clmost completely impossible to re create live. :lol:

Trust me. this is NOT a Guns N' Roses album.

but if you let it go, and allow yourself to like this as an "Axl Rose" album, you're gonna like it. You're gonna LOVE it, after a month or so. It grows on you. You have to let it do so.

You'll hate it on the first day, and LOVE it after the 30th.


Football addict
Axl's voice is great on this album. It's multi-layered, and clmost completely impossible to re create live. :lol:

Trust me. this is NOT a Guns N' Roses album.

but if you let it go, and allow yourself to like this as an "Axl Rose" album, you're gonna like it. You're gonna LOVE it, after a month or so. It grows on you. You have to let it do so.

You'll hate it on the first day, and LOVE it after the 30th.

What kind of Axl Rose?

The good hard rockin' Axl Rose or the bad "Patience" love song type of Axl Rose that helped to split up the band?


New Member

What kind of Axl Rose?

The good hard rockin' Axl Rose or the bad "Patience" love song type of Axl Rose that helped to split up the band?

Welll....kinda both.

It's hard to explain. The album starts heavy, then goes sorta hardcore "November Rainish" towards the end.

Look. It's NOT "Guns N Roses".

But....if you really buy into it as an AXL Rose're gonna like it.

And I don't want to extend this offer to everyone on this site...but if you buy it, and after a month you HONESTLY don't like it, I'll buy it from ya.

Axl's guarantee. Can't beat that!