Larry Gude
Strung Out
Amidst all the hoopla and fanfare of the TexasPete for President announcement and attendent news conferences, parades, baby kissing, issuing of policy statements followed closely and predictably by policy statement clarifications and along with well desereved media talking head hogging, I'd like us all to not lose sight of the smaller picture; letters to the editor by stupid people.
That's right. How do stupid letters get so far, unchallenged, by the way?
To wit: One person in the Post today says that aircraft scares, such as the one the other day, occur at the rate of three a day. Three a day? Now, we're stuck taking this at face value. I ain't heard of no three a day. I mean, it was a pretty big deal around here (especially in Cowtown Frederick) and I don't think it would have been a pretty big deal had it been happening at the rate of three a day. So this guy goes on to propose DC do as 'progressive' cities are doing and ban aircraft over-flights and that DC should follow suit as this is only prudent in this age of terror and turn Reagan/National into a park. We'll also benefit, enormously, from noise and pollution reduction. I guess because nobody will jump in a car to go to another airport?
The second letter is wondering what it cost to evacuate The White House, Congress and the Supreme court. He seems to think there is something unfair that the Georgia Runaway bride is in trouble for causing all that money to be spent looking for her and yet these two pilots get questioned and released.
Now, instead of boring you with my take on these two letters I offer TexasPete the opportunity to take the stage and address the issues of the day:
When to turn things into parks in the name of Homeland Defense, aka "the Green Solution" to not getting Jihad'ed?
And, perhaps more importantly and closer to home (I have possibly three weddings on my horizon) how much should runaway brides be charged, if anything at all, for running away?
Without much more ado:
That's right. How do stupid letters get so far, unchallenged, by the way?
To wit: One person in the Post today says that aircraft scares, such as the one the other day, occur at the rate of three a day. Three a day? Now, we're stuck taking this at face value. I ain't heard of no three a day. I mean, it was a pretty big deal around here (especially in Cowtown Frederick) and I don't think it would have been a pretty big deal had it been happening at the rate of three a day. So this guy goes on to propose DC do as 'progressive' cities are doing and ban aircraft over-flights and that DC should follow suit as this is only prudent in this age of terror and turn Reagan/National into a park. We'll also benefit, enormously, from noise and pollution reduction. I guess because nobody will jump in a car to go to another airport?
The second letter is wondering what it cost to evacuate The White House, Congress and the Supreme court. He seems to think there is something unfair that the Georgia Runaway bride is in trouble for causing all that money to be spent looking for her and yet these two pilots get questioned and released.
Now, instead of boring you with my take on these two letters I offer TexasPete the opportunity to take the stage and address the issues of the day:
When to turn things into parks in the name of Homeland Defense, aka "the Green Solution" to not getting Jihad'ed?
And, perhaps more importantly and closer to home (I have possibly three weddings on my horizon) how much should runaway brides be charged, if anything at all, for running away?
Without much more ado: