Chris Davis uses his super strength to lift truck & save man


Lawful neutral

"When I turned to look at the first man, I instantly noticed a VERY strong resemblance to Chris Davis. He didn't have any Orioles gear on (so I wasn't sure .. there was no big "19" on him anywhere!), except his tennis shoes were black and orange. We glanced at each other with a "good job" look and I said, 'Chris?' He said, 'Yeah?' 'Chris Davis?' 'Yeah?' I said, 'One hell of a way to meet Chris Davis ... and by the way, I think they screwed you over big-time and I support you 100 percent.' He said 'Thanks, it really means a lot to hear that," and was very sincere about it. He also said he was RIGHT in back of the truck when it had a tire blow-out and swerved, hit the wall and rolled.

"By that time, lots of people were on the scene and EMTs were starting to arrive. I began cleaning up the tools of the poor guys who were involved in the accident. After I had cleaned up what I could, I considered getting an autograph ... but thought it a bit tacky. By this time, the place was swarming and I didn't want to bother him, so I just went up, shook his hand and said 'Good job and good luck.' Then I got in my car and drove home to tell my wife about the wild story of "How I met Chris Davis (her favorite player)." I also told her that he was even better looking in person! My wife swooned a bit ..."