Christ Loved Jazz


New Member
I'm pretty sure all the greatest jazz players are enjoying Heaven just "jamming".

Sure Jesus would have liked jazz.... and bluegrass too.....



mama to two
I'm pretty sure all the greatest jazz players are enjoying Heaven just "jamming".

Sure Jesus would have liked jazz.... and bluegrass too.....


That is a nice, happy thought, hc. It made me smile. There are few of those on the forum or in the news, anymore. Hope you are doing good. You are always in my thoughts and prayers. :smile:


Well liking Christian rock would just be weird.

I knew a guy whose church held the belief that listening to Christian music of any kind, except pure singing, was a sin. The rationale was God never intended to be worshiped with man-made instruments; even though we showed where the bible shows where instruments were used to worship God. But it was okay to listen to devil-worshiping metal, since it wasn't being used to worship God. It was really weird.