Christianity as a Global Threat


Ubi bene ibi patria
"There’s a lot of talk nearly everywhere these days about the dangers of radical Islam. In some settings, people express similar concerns about Christianity, especially the dangers of a right-wing theocracy here in America. Whether the warnings come from “the new atheists” like Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens or from secular-political voices on the left, the prospective villains are usually described as the Religious Right, Evangelicals, Christian Fundamentalists, and so on.

But largely under the radar, there’s something else going on in the Christian community in the US and world-wide, and it’s a change worth knowing about. Many of us who are involved with this emergence of a new thing would describe it as a deep shift (don’t forget the “f”), even a kind of repentance. Growing numbers of us Christians are ashamed of the ways that we Christians have behaved in recent decades – from Evangelicals backing unjust and unwise wars to Catholics covering up priestly abuse, from Prosperity Gospel televangelists getting rich by ripping off the poor to institutional religious bureaucracies fiddling around in carpet-color-committee meetings while the world is burning, or at least warming dangerously. "

Christianity as a Global Threat | TPMCafe


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Yeah, those scary Christians - sawing peoples' heads off (videotaping it, no less!), flying planes into buildings, blowing themselves up in grocery stores full of people, planting all those roadside bombs.

Someone should do something about those Christians, I tell ya. :coffee:


New Member
Yeah, those scary Christians - sawing peoples' heads off (videotaping it, no less!), flying planes into buildings, blowing themselves up in grocery stores full of people, planting all those roadside bombs.

Someone should do something about those Christians, I tell ya. :coffee:

:roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:

Yeah, and just the other day there was this teacher, and she named a teddy bear Jesus... and... no wait :ohwell:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Yeah, and just the other day there was this teacher, and she named a teddy bear Jesus... and... no wait :ohwell:

And there were the Christians who threatened Burger King because the ice cream swirly on the label looked like God.



New Member
Look at all these scary Christians! Something must be done!


Unbelievable! :duh:

It won't be long until it's like that over here. If people don't wake the he!! up, realize the threat, and stop helping them use our system of crushing "political correctness" to destroy us from the inside :banghead:


New Member
Most people cannot make the distiction between the doctrines that teach what is to be done and believed, and individuals who create their own doctrine to live by.
Islam, in my understanding, actually teaches that it is noble, good, etc to bomb the infidels. Catholicism, OTOH, does not teach that it's priests should abuse. The latter sin is the result of individuals, not the institution.
Can't speak for fundamental Christianity because it's up to each persons interpretation of the Bible, so it can be quite varied.

High EGT

Gort! Klaatu barada nikto
Secularism was the word adopted by George Jacob Holyoake in the early 1850s to describe a system of morals and social action shaped exclusively by this-worldly considerations, irrespective of religious beliefs. The word was derived from the secular education movement for the complete separation of religious teaching from other forms of education.

With the exception of recognition of a Deity and a life after death, isn’t Secularism attempting the same goal by attempting to shape our views as well as morals to fit into their frame of what America should be? Mostly thru the media.
Am I wrong to also believe that most great societies were founded on a set of uniform principles (rooted in a faith) that citizens of that society could identify with as a majority? And with a break down of these uniform priciples dosn't history show the sociaty soon followed?
And despite being founded on Christian values should American turn its back on these fundamental values and embrace the religion of Secularism as what it now means to be an American in the moral sense?
We only have to turn on the TV or Radio to know the answers and for that I truly fear for my children’s future and to also what it means to be an “American”.
Definition of a teenager? God's punishment for enjoying sex.*