Chronic Hives (Urticaria)


Walking for a cure!!
Has anyone here been treated for chronic hives, and if so, who did you go to. I am looking for a doctor who is willing to take the time to at least try to figure it out. I have been to an alergist, they did some testing, but it all came back negative. Meds that have helped in the past are no longer working.
Don't just see allergist... could also be metobolic...

Liver or kidney disease also can cause this condition, along with a high or low thyroid function but additionally autoimmune diseases (the condition the location where the immune system attacks skin).


New Member
I had hives daily for year, allergy test showed nothing. The allergist has me on one Claritan a day,haven't had them since I started taking it. I am going to wean off the Claritan to see if they come back.


New Member
I was dx with the same thing about 15 years ago and was on Claritin and allergra daily for years. After several months I finally narrowed my allergy to corn meal. I have only had 1 episode which was because I ate something with corn meal in it and did not know it was made with that. I too had numerous testing and all was negative. It took a lot to figure it out on my own but if you try to keep a log of everything you eat, soap and also even cleaning supplies you use maybe you can have some luck and find out what it could be.