Nolte: Chuck Todd, Jonathan Martin Now Admit Democrats Worried About Biden’s Decline ‘for Years’
In a remarkable exchange on Chuck Todd’s podcast this week, both Todd and Politico’s Jonathan Martin admitted that high-level Democrats have been saying “for years”— years — that Joe Biden is in rough mental shape and not up to another term in office. They say Biden’s decline was an “open secret” and a “simmering conversation.”
And only now are these “reporters” reporting this to the public.
Here’s a transcript. The emphasis is my good faith interpretation…
Jonathan Martin: Chuck, I’m just skeptical [Biden’s] ever going [to drop out of the campaign], even if he has a terrible [NATO] press conference [Thursday night]. The politicians in the Democratic party have shown in the last few days that a lot of them simply don’t have the courage of their convictions. They simply aren’t going to stand up and say in public what they have been telling folks like us in private for years. This is not a new story!
Actually, it is a new story because none of my efforts on the Google Machine came up with a Jonathan Martin story years ago about Democrat Party officials worried about Biden’s mental decline.
So, this is like super new.
Chuck Todd: Jon, I’m not going to out the cabinet secretary, but I had a cabinet secretary two years ago— okay, two years ago, out of the blue ask me: ‘Do you really think he can—he can’t run again like this.’ And I said, ‘You have more interaction that I do’ and he said, ‘I don’t have a lot of interaction with him.’ This is a pretty senior cabinet secretary and this was two years ago. This is one of those classic open secrets—nonversation, right? It’s the story everybody knows and everybody was afraid to talk about.
In a remarkable exchange on Chuck Todd’s podcast this week, both Todd and Politico’s Jonathan Martin admitted that high-level Democrats have been saying “for years”— years — that Joe Biden is in rough mental shape and not up to another term in office. They say Biden’s decline was an “open secret” and a “simmering conversation.”
And only now are these “reporters” reporting this to the public.
Here’s a transcript. The emphasis is my good faith interpretation…
Jonathan Martin: Chuck, I’m just skeptical [Biden’s] ever going [to drop out of the campaign], even if he has a terrible [NATO] press conference [Thursday night]. The politicians in the Democratic party have shown in the last few days that a lot of them simply don’t have the courage of their convictions. They simply aren’t going to stand up and say in public what they have been telling folks like us in private for years. This is not a new story!
Actually, it is a new story because none of my efforts on the Google Machine came up with a Jonathan Martin story years ago about Democrat Party officials worried about Biden’s mental decline.
So, this is like super new.
Chuck Todd: Jon, I’m not going to out the cabinet secretary, but I had a cabinet secretary two years ago— okay, two years ago, out of the blue ask me: ‘Do you really think he can—he can’t run again like this.’ And I said, ‘You have more interaction that I do’ and he said, ‘I don’t have a lot of interaction with him.’ This is a pretty senior cabinet secretary and this was two years ago. This is one of those classic open secrets—nonversation, right? It’s the story everybody knows and everybody was afraid to talk about.
Nolte: Chuck Todd, Jonathan Martin Now Admit Democrats Worried About Biden’s Decline ‘for Years’
Chuck Todd, Jonathan Martin admit high-level Democrats have been saying “for years”Joe Biden is in rough mental shape.