Chucky on football...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
"Let me tell y'ah what I really like about this Giants football team. They got a lot of good guys on this football team. These guys are deep on this football team and there are some good football players on that football team, what with being football players and playing football on that Giants football team. The one with all the football players. Guys who are making your football team to play football on that Giants football team..."

They say the key to good coaching is sound fundamentals.

Got it, Gruden. Football.



Supper's Ready
"Let me tell y'ah what I really like about this Giants football team. They got a lot of good guys on this football team. These guys are deep on this football team and there are some good football players on that football team, what with being football players and playing football on that Giants football team. The one with all the football players. Guys who are making your football team to play football on that Giants football team..."

They say the key to good coaching is sound fundamentals.

Got it, Gruden. Football.


Reminds me a little of Bob Nelson's football comedy routine.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Not so sure about Gruden yet, but if he sounds like what Larry posted all of the time, it will get old quickly. I'm glad Bryant Dumbell isn't going to be on the set fo' sho. :yay:

It will be a nationwide Monday night football drinking game by week 4.
Every time Chucky says 'football team' you take a shot. :lol:

Work will suffer on Tuesday worse than usual. The recovery, such as it is, will come screeching to a halt. No one will have a clue who won. :lol:


Supper's Ready
It will be a nationwide Monday night football drinking game by week 4.
Every time Chucky says 'football team' you take a shot. :lol:

Work will suffer on Tuesday worse than usual. The recovery, such as it is, will come screeching to a halt. No one will have a clue who won. :lol:

So now we'll see a spike in the already recession-proof liquor sector this fall. :lmao:


They're out to get us
Chucky is best in a visor, with a little sweat and never speaking. :hot:

:jameo: :jameo:

jon_gruden.jpg jon-gruden-chucky.jpg

:jameo: :jameo: