Church Bulletin Says You’ll Go To Hell If You Vote Democrat


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Between requests for prayers for the sick and a notice for an upcoming chastity luncheon, a newsletter from a Catholic church in Old Town that doubles as an election-day polling site included a flier that told parishioners they’ll go to hell if they vote for Democrats.

Two Sundays later, the message had changed: Satan was working through former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

The Oct. 16 bulletin from the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church was stuffed with a flyer written in both English and Spanish that cited five legislative policies — support for abortion, same-sex marriage, euthanasia, human cloning, and embryonic stem cell research — that will doom a politician and their supporters to eternal damnation.


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Roman Catholic Diocese of San Diego Thursday reminded pastors and priests that while they are obligated to share how their faith’s teachings are relevant to public policy, they shouldn’t get entangled in partisan politics.

Bishop Robert McElroy sent the message to 100 parishes in the diocese and all the priests not affiliated with parishes after the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church in Old Town issued bulletins that included partisan messages, including one that that claimed Satan was working through Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.

On Oct. 16 a flier was inserted into the historic church’s bulletin that listed five public policy issues that are “intrinsically evil” and conflict with Catholic teachings. Democrats support all five, while Republicans back none, it said.

“Based on the above, it is a mortal sin to vote Democrat,” the flier stated. “If your bishop, priest, deacon or other parishioners tell you to do so, you must walk away from them. Your immortal soul and your salvation are at stake-and so are theirs.”

The diocese said the flier was inserted into the bulletin without the pastor’s knowledge, and that its contents do not reflect Catholic teachings. It is not a mortal sin to support Democrats, and voters should use their faith-informed conscience when picking a candidate, the diocese said.
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