Ubi bene ibi patria
"The 200 or so worshipers who showed up Sunday morning for the "grand opening celebration" of Sanctuary Charlotte church sat around tables, not in pews; clapped along with a band, not a choir; and took home gift bags, not church bulletins.
Drawn by fliers in their mailboxes and ads on black radio stations, they came to this warehouse space in the Steele Creek area of southwest Charlotte to check out a brand-new Christian church that prefers to be called an experience -- "a Third Day (3-D) Experience," as the promo in their gift bags put it."
Charlotte Observer | 11/05/2007 | Church uses hip style to build diversity
Drawn by fliers in their mailboxes and ads on black radio stations, they came to this warehouse space in the Steele Creek area of southwest Charlotte to check out a brand-new Christian church that prefers to be called an experience -- "a Third Day (3-D) Experience," as the promo in their gift bags put it."
Charlotte Observer | 11/05/2007 | Church uses hip style to build diversity