Church uses hip style to build diversity


Ubi bene ibi patria
"The 200 or so worshipers who showed up Sunday morning for the "grand opening celebration" of Sanctuary Charlotte church sat around tables, not in pews; clapped along with a band, not a choir; and took home gift bags, not church bulletins.

Drawn by fliers in their mailboxes and ads on black radio stations, they came to this warehouse space in the Steele Creek area of southwest Charlotte to check out a brand-new Christian church that prefers to be called an experience -- "a Third Day (3-D) Experience," as the promo in their gift bags put it."

Charlotte Observer | 11/05/2007 | Church uses hip style to build diversity


New Member
"The 200 or so worshipers who showed up Sunday morning for the "grand opening celebration" of Sanctuary Charlotte church sat around tables, not in pews; clapped along with a band, not a choir; and took home gift bags, not church bulletins.

Drawn by fliers in their mailboxes and ads on black radio stations, they came to this warehouse space in the Steele Creek area of southwest Charlotte to check out a brand-new Christian church that prefers to be called an experience -- "a Third Day (3-D) Experience," as the promo in their gift bags put it."

Charlotte Observer | 11/05/2007 | Church uses hip style to build diversity
Sad, Truley Sad!
Another case of Man Centered Religion, chasing an expirence of feeling.
Isn't scripture exciting enough?
Its a shame when the church lowers it's standards to that of the world and looses it's identity and purpose!

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
Ferrous Canus, and Stupidus Giganticus.

Sad, Truley Sad!
Another case of Man Centered Religion, chasing an expirence of feeling.
Isn't scripture exciting enough?
Its a shame when the church lowers it's standards to that of the world and looses it's identity and purpose!
:coffee: I simply do not see your point.

If that group was around here then I would go to it.

Of course I like all Churches.

So like where would you say is a Church that is doing right?

Every group I ever go to has some thing significant wrong with them and only have a little right.

Do you know where a true Christian Church is hiding? :diva:


New Member
:coffee: I simply do not see your point.

If that group was around here then I would go to it.

Of course I like all Churches.

So like where would you say is a Church that is doing right?

Every group I ever go to has some thing significant wrong with them and only have a little right.

Do you know where a true Christian Church is hiding? :diva:
There is no perfect church as long as man and sinners are involved, but some are miles closer than others.

Yea, In fact I just found one I am pretty impressed with, a little more formal than I accustomed to but the word of God is being preached and correctly.
So not this Sunday but next on the 17th would you like to go I'll pick you up?
I'd be courious to see what you think of it.
Here’s the church info if anyone else in interested in checking it out.
I’ve been there twice now and will probably start attending there regularly. A friend recommended it and he thought highly of it as well.

Grace & Peace Presbyterian Church -
22646 Benswood Rd, California - (301) 475-2111
Directions and more »
Grace and Peace
Grace and Peace Presbyterian Church (OPC), California, MD ...We are a Congregation of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church (OPC) worshiping on Sunday mornings at 10:00 am at our new church facility on 22646 Benswood Road, ...
Last edited:


The mighty Al-Sonsie!
Heck, the first time I went to a church that wasn't catholic I was about 19. I remember being totally surprised by the guitar playing and clapping after the austere dignity of the catholic mass. I grew up in Northern Wisconsin/Upper Michigan and there were no black people or gospel-type churches in our area, just some heathen Lutherans (j/k). Our local German. Norwegian, Finnish, and French catholic populace wasn’t given to big displays of religious fervor.
I must say, maybe it’s just more familiar to me but I greatly prefer the dignity and hushed reverence of the catholic mass to all the hootin’ and witnessin’ I saw in a local church here recently. It was like being on another planet and this was for a funeral! The standing and shouting was unnerving, I was waiting for people to start fainting or rioting! I don’t know how much was for show but it was my first experience with seeing how herds of people can get whipped up into a religious frenzy and one I don’t care to repeat.
My church doesn’t need gift bags and I’d rather sit with the quiet old women with their rosaries held so reverently than have a 3D slide show. I’d rather have a well thought out homily than be “offered earplugs in rock-music-drenched service”.

But to each his own, I guess it’s better than nothing. Even if they don’t walk away with a deeper understanding of the message maybe it would provide the first steps.


Well-Known Member
Heck, the first time I went to a church that wasn't catholic I was about 19. I remember being totally surprised by the guitar playing and clapping after the austere dignity of the catholic mass. I grew up in Northern Wisconsin/Upper Michigan and there were no black people or gospel-type churches in our area, just some heathen Lutherans (j/k). Our local German. Norwegian, Finnish, and French catholic populace wasn’t given to big displays of religious fervor.
I must say, maybe it’s just more familiar to me but I greatly prefer the dignity and hushed reverence of the catholic mass to all the hootin’ and witnessin’ I saw in a local church here recently. It was like being on another planet and this was for a funeral! The standing and shouting was unnerving, I was waiting for people to start fainting or rioting! I don’t know how much was for show but it was my first experience with seeing how herds of people can get whipped up into a religious frenzy and one I don’t care to repeat.
My church doesn’t need gift bags and I’d rather sit with the quiet old women with their rosaries held so reverently than have a 3D slide show. I’d rather have a well thought out homily than be “offered earplugs in rock-music-drenched service”.

But to each his own, I guess it’s better than nothing. Even if they don’t walk away with a deeper understanding of the message maybe it would provide the first steps.
Ah, the simplicity of Door County - where "diverse" means both Germans and Poles in the same room! :lol:

Little different here in the fall, eh?


The mighty Al-Sonsie!
Ah, the simplicity of Door County - where "diverse" means both Germans and Poles in the same room! :lol:

Little different here in the fall, eh?

Yea, nowhere near the same vibrant colors. I'm actually more of a Yooper don't ya know. Was up all though there this summer for a month with the kids. It was cool and breezy, highs in the mid 70s, and cool enough at night for a campfire and a jacket on the lakes. I loved the small town northern summer with trips to the beach everyday and no crowds, crime, or traffic. People still don't lock their cars and houses up that way. It was like stepping back in time.

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
Ferrous Canus, and Stupidus Giganticus.

Directions and more »
Grace and Peace
Grace and Peace Presbyterian Church (OPC), California, MD.
:whistle: I like that.

The place I want to go is at the Lex Park Library on both Saturday 2:30 - 5pm and Sunday 18, at 1-3pm.

The "Gandhi, King, Ikeda: A Legacy of Building Peace Exhibit."

It is a film I believe with hand-outs, link HERE.


Methodically disorganized
The place I want to go is at the Lex Park Library on both Saturday 2:30 - 5pm and Sunday 18, at 1-3pm.
:whoosh: The first time in 25 years anyone, nonetheless to say a woman, offered to go somewhere with you and you totally missed it. :lol:

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
Ferrous Canus, and Stupidus Giganticus.

:whoosh: The first time in 25 years anyone, nonetheless to say a woman, offered to go somewhere with you and you totally missed it. :lol:
:diva: The "woman" was refering to going to Church as in saving our miserable souls from Hell fire.

You are just being "carnal" minded while we are being spiritually concerned.

I like Gandhi, ML King, and all non violent perspective so I said the Library.:whistle:


Methodically disorganized
The "woman"
I wonder what she will think by your insinuation that she is not a real woman. :popcorn:

JPC sr said:
was refering to going to Church as in saving our miserable souls from Hell fire.
Um... I thought you don't believe in hell because we're all going to heaven anyway. :confused:

JPC sr said:
You are just being "carnal" minded while we are being spiritually concerned.
I was just surprised that you would turn down a reasonably normal person's offer to get out of the apartment for a little while. But perhaps that is precisely what scared you.

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
Ferrous Canus, and Stupidus Giganticus.

I wonder what she will think by your insinuation that she is not a real woman. :popcorn:
:coffee: That is really cheap and I expected more of hvp.

He said "a woman" instead of her name and I therefore replied with "woman" (see my quote marks) so I did not insinuate any such thing.
hvp05 said:
Um... I thought you don't believe in hell because we're all going to heaven anyway. :confused:
:whistle: What I did say is that the Orthodox interpretation of "hell" is not correct and that hell means the grave or tomb.

So I believe in a hell but not one of people burning in punishment by a tyrant God.

Plus, when others refer to hell then I can and will refer to hell in the same way and just keep my own beliefs silent in some cases.

Believing in hell is just a mistake and not a sin.
hvp05 said:
I was just surprised that you would turn down a reasonably normal person's offer to get out of the apartment for a little while. But perhaps that is precisely what scared you.
:diva: I liked the idea of going to that Church.

The last I heard was that the Presbyterians do not bite.


Methodically disorganized
I did not insinuate any such thing.
Yes you did. Reading comprehension, Jimmy... it could do you wonders. :yay:

JPC sr said:
What I did say is that the Orthodox interpretation of "hell" is not correct and that hell means the grave or tomb.
So why use the phrase "Hell fire", which implies the classic image of hell?

JPC sr said:
Plus, when others refer to hell then I can and will refer to hell in the same way and just keep my own beliefs silent in some cases.
Oh, so maybe you just used "Hell fire" to avoid an argument. Hmm... but I thought you stood for your beliefs. :confused: :lol:

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
Ferrous Canus, and Stupidus Giganticus.

So why use the phrase "Hell fire", which implies the classic image of hell?

Oh, so maybe you just used "Hell fire" to avoid an argument. Hmm... but I thought you stood for your beliefs. :confused: :lol:
:buddies: I do it because: "When in Rome [the unlearned] then I do as the Romans do", Apostle Paul explanation link HERE.

To stand by my own beliefs does not mean that I push my beliefs onto others.

Of course in some cases it is necessary to push and I do so when I feel it is my place.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
2 Timothy 4:3-4

3For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires,

4and will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to myths.
If the message is not the Gospel, it is myth.