Cindy Sheehan, a disgrace to her Son


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US anti-war protester Cindy Sheehan hails Venezuela's Chavez (<--Linky)

CARACAS (AFP) - Anti-war protester Cindy Sheehan, mother of a US soldier killed in Iraq, joined more than 10,000 anti-globalization activists in Caracas, where she hailed Venezuela's leftist President Hugo Chavez.

"I admire him for his resolve against my government and its meddling," said Sheehan, who gained notoriety when she camped outside US President George W. Bush's ranch last year to protest the Iraq war. She said she hoped to meet Chavez later in the week.


She is ratcheting up her vitrol because the camera's were starting to not show up anymore. She saw the press the loonbag Belefonte was getting and wanted to get her homely mug back on TV so she just got a little more outragious. :shrug:


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Pete said:
She is ratcheting up her vitrol because the camera's were starting to not show up anymore. She saw the press the loonbag Belefonte was getting and wanted to get her homely mug back on TV so she just got a little more outragious. :shrug:

The worst was the Vanity Fair article, with a picture of her "Sleeping" on her sons grave, i'll have to see if i can find it, am i allowed to post the picture on here?


Maybe someone will be nice and kidnap her while she's out of the country, but I don't think anyone is that desperate or stupid. :lmao:
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This is fun right?
SAHRAB said:
The worst was the Vanity Fair article, with a picture of her "Sleeping" on her sons grave, i'll have to see if i can find it, am i allowed to post the picture on here?

Here is a link to a Anti Cindy Sheehan site that has the Vanity Fair Picture

By the way, notice that Cindy still hasn’t gotten around to getting her dead hero son (that she has shamelessly exploited) a headstone.

There is no monument or marker for Casey. Even as Cindy Sheehan poses for the press in front of the boots and the cross with Casey’s name and picture, the rest of his family is forced to gather around a bare patch of lawn. All around them the dead are commemorated in silent dignity, their names and dates immortalized in granite or marble

Why is there no marker? From a source close to the family:

Cindy has not taken the time to purchase a headstone for Casey. He remains in an unmarked grave 18 months after his death.

Why would Cindy Sheehan beg off completing this task? The monument can only be placed with her approval, but she hasn’t found the time to do it, or even pay for it. This is causing pain and anguish for a family she claims to "adore above all things".

Perhaps if there were more cameras around. Or perhaps she realizes her grief plays better if there is no "competing" grave site. Or maybe...but speculating on her motivations is probably useless


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I have something to say to all the Lefties who defended her and insisted she had no other agenda than her broken heart:




I doubt she's truely sleeping on the grave. With the Vanity Fair people there she was probably just lying there. I am not saying that she did it out of love and not for the press, I am just saying that maybe in private, alone, in a moment of grief, I too might lay down on my childs grave as well for a moment of closeness or something. I think probably alot of parents have done that.


I agree that it is a publicity stunt, I'm just saying that in privacy, it's not so inconceivable.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Can you imagine how the rest of the family must feel? Casey's Dad lost a son, too, and his siblings lost their brother. His grandparents lost their grandson. Notice we don't hear a word from any of them? All we get are anti-American publicity stunts from this horrifying woman.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Cindy Sheehan is a vulgar person...

...and here's why; She is exploiting her sons death and she's doing it in a manner completely at odds with with who he was and what he did; volunteer to serve in the United States armed forces.

One simple test: How would she be behaving if Casey, her son, had been butchered by the locals in some hell hole while serving as a member of...Doctors Without Borders?

Would she be decrying his mission then? Would she be supporting his killers then, like she is now?

Or would she be honoring his sacrifice, his memory and his life for volunteering to do something about something he beleived in? Might she even be doing what she could to see that his work went on, that it might succeed?

Joel Stein speaks for far more leftists than would ever admit it. When you hear "We support the troops, not the mission"...that's a lie and it's a contradiction.


Dr.'s Without Borders, Amnesty International, all manner of people volunteering to risk their lives for causes that will better our world. The don't get to make the rules. They don't get to say where the work is that needs to be done. They don't get to decide when it's over. They just saddle up, go where the work is and roll up there sleeves. Sometimes they bleed. Sometimes they don't come home but they are doing good.

Just like a US soldier.
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