Cindy Sheehan protesting for terror


"Typical White Person"
Cindy Sheehan in Egypt for Islamists

Cindy Sheehan in Egypt for Islamists
February 13, 2008 - 5:10pm

Associated Press Writer

CAIRO, Egypt (AP) - Anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan joined a protest Wednesday seeking the support of Egypt's first lady in ending a military trial of members of the country's largest Islamic organization.

Under the watchful eyes of dozens of black-clad and helmeted anti-riot police, some 50 heavily veiled wives and children of 40 senior members of the Muslim Brotherhood detained for the past year, gathered in front of the headquarters of first lady Suzanne Mubarak's National Council Women carrying banners calling for their release.

"I am here to protest the trial of civilians in front of a military tribunal as this is a violation to international law," said Sheehan, who gained fame in the U.S. for her sit-in outside President Bush's Texas ranch following the death of her son in Iraq.

"As a mother of a son who was killed in the war, I presented a letter to Ms. Suzanne Mubarak to realize how those women and children are suffering."

The street protest was rare in Egypt where authorities ban most signs of public dissent.

One woman carried a sleeping infant in her arms along with a poster reading "Father, I miss you."

In December 2006, the government engaged in a wide-ranging crackdown against the Brotherhood, the country's largest opposition force _ which holds one-fifth of the seats in the parliament _ targeting in particular businessmen known to financially support the group.

In February 2007, President Hosni Mubarak ordered 40 of the organization's members to be tried by a military tribunal on charges of money laundering and terrorism. The court's verdict is expected Feb. 26.

According to the Brotherhood, 3,245 members of their organization were arrested in 2007.



Ubi bene ibi patria
Sheehan: End Military Trials For Civilians

Activist Sheehan Comes To Egypt, Calls For End To Military Trials
Joseph Mayton - AHN Middle East Correspondent

Cairo, Egypt (AHN) - American activist Cindy Sheehan was in Egypt on Wednesday to participate in a demonstration protesting the use of military trials against civilians. The famed activist called for Egypt's first lady Suzanne Mubarak to support the eradication of military trials against members of the country's Muslim Brotherhood.

Joined by dozens of wives and children of prominent Brotherhood leaders who have been detained for much of the past year awaiting military tribunal, Sheehan presented a letter to Mrs. Mubarak asking for the government to end these trials.

"I am here to protest the trial of civilians in front of a military tribunal as this is a violation to international law," Sheehan, who gained fame in the U.S. for her sit-in outside American President George W. Bush's Texas ranch after her son was killed in Iraq, said at the demonstration.

"As a mother of a son who was killed in the war, I presented a letter to Ms. Suzanne Mubarak to realize how those women and children are suffering."

Cairo has been in an almost constant state of cracking down on the North African nation's largest opposition group since Parliamentary elections in fall 2005 saw the Brotherhood gain nearly one quarter of the seats. According the Islamic group, over 3,000 members were detained in 2007.

Activist Sheehan Comes To Egypt, Calls For End To Military Trials | February 14, 2008 | AHN


Why is this douche-bag even in the news? Her 15 minutes expired a while back. Why single her out amongst the cavelcade of retards that are currently running amok?


Lovin' being Texican
Why is this douche-bag even in the news? Her 15 minutes expired a while back. Why single her out amongst the cavelcade of retards that are currently running amok?

She's running for Congress. Have people forgotten that?


JPC was allowed to run. :shrug:

Well, in all seriousness, while I disagree with damn near everything he's ever said, and will likely ever say, I think JPC is - generally - in control of his faculties.

However, I think Sheehan is certifiably non-compos mentis.

And this :smack: is for making me say that JPC is sane.


she will be back to protest our prosecution of Guantanamo prisoners soon, claiming see I protested Military tribunals in Egypt, and it is evil her as well

Bush is a criminal


New Member
Just what is a civilian in a Guerilla war?

If someone attacks your military and is a part of an organised quasi-military not affiliated with a country perse'--is that person a Civilian?

IMO he is not. Just because he isnt wearing a uniform does not mean he isnt a soldier. As such a person out of uniform comes under the heading of a spy and deserves the death a spy is entitled to.

Cindy Sheehan be damned.

This whole damned bunch in Gitmo should have been tried by the military and those convicted as such executed as spies years ago.