Citizens Against Government Waste - CAGW


New Member
Just ran across this site today dealing with Government Waste - WOW !
Check out the "Pigbook" summary and list of earmarks.

Citizens Against Government Waste:

It is unbelievable what some of our money is being spent on. This was part of the spending under the Defense Bill :

"$3,000,000 by House MajorityWhip James Clyburn (D-S.C.) for
The First Tee, whose purpose, according to its website, is “To impact
the lives of young people by providing learning facilities and
educational programs that promote character development and lifeenhancing
values through the game of golf.” If The First Tee
wanted money to spread its teachings to the military, it could ask
its numerous corporate sponsors, who would likely respond with at
least $3 million. Rep. Clyburn told CNBC on November 27, 2007
that the program will help “make generals and colonels.” Apparently,
after hundreds of years of military operations without having such
a program, it was critical to add The First Tee in conference, in the
middle of the war on terrorism. "

I didn't realize learning to play golf was required to make general or colonel !!