City of Miami To Employ NOI To Police


New Member
"In making his argument for city funding, Muhammad highlighted successful Nation of Islam-affiliated programs in other cities, such as Detroit."
Bwahahahaha!:killingme One born every minute, and the Miami Commissioners Office is full of 'em!


"Typical White Person"
From your link

did you even read it?

First - where are the Criminals gaurding Criminals? :shrug:

Second - Nation of Islam as well as other Denominations are participating, did ya gloss over that fact?

I know you have made it your mission to make sure Muslims get a fair shake, but the NOI?

Yes, I read the article and I don't find them being associated with any other group except the NOI surprising.


I know you have made it your mission to make sure Muslims get a fair shake, but the NOI?

Yes, I read the article and I don't find them being associated with any other group except the NOI surprising.

Nope Just Poke a Finger in the eye of any Christian :rolleyes: making any comment about the RoP or NoI ....

like westburo wackos are mainstream Christian Thinkers ....