Clarke Praised Bush in 2002


Nothing to see here
Just read that, Flo, seems to blow Clarke completely out of the water. Seems his book is at odds with the facts. :lmao:


Yea, and now he is apologizing for the government's and his mistakes. Al Quada should be laughing right about now, as he has ultimately let them know that we are apologetic. Dang COWARD!!

If you can, tune in to Rush Limbaugh.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
It's guys named...


Or Clark.

I swear to God, down at VRWC Headquarters, they roll these guys out for entertainments sake.

"Hey, let's get General Clark to run out and say W is no good! the Dems'll scoop him up, make him a star and then...BLAMMO! The facts seep out! Egg on face...HA HA HA!!!"

"Nah, nah. They ain't that stupid. They'll check his record. They'll see the things he has said and done that contradict this new stance. they'll never go for it!".

12 months later...

"Hey! How about we send Dick out there and say 'W's no good!'??? They'll scoop him up and BLAMMO!!! Double Dummy Dopes!!! Hee hee hee!!!"

"Nah, nah. It CAN'T work again. No way. They'll check his record for SURE this time."

"Right and there's the gag! They'll think 'American Bandstand' and figure they got it licked this time! HA HA HA!!!"

"Dude, no way..."

"Dude, way. I'm telling you!"


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Been watching the news all night. It's pretty obvious Richard Clarke is lying in his silly book and lying before the 9-11 Commission. The Democrats have stooped incredibly low this time. They're going to pay for this come election time, mark my words.


I was talking with my lately-arrived Democrat mother last night, and she thinks that Clarke is an outstanding guy. I about threw up.

Another thing that I got a laugh out of was Clarke's statement about why he left government service. He said that if the President wasn't going to listen to his terrorism chief, there was no reason for him to stick around. What a joke! Nobody in the Clinton administration listened to him either, yet he didn't leave. Then, after only a few months of being ignored by Bush he decides to leave. The fact that he left just weeks after being passed over for the number 2 job with Homeland Security, a position that he told everybody should be his, had nothing to do with it.