Cleaning service


New Member
I need an insured cleaning service who has reasonable prices to clean a townhouse in wildewood before I can get it on the market. Any recommendations?


New Member

Because its not my home, the person really need to be insured. I need to meet with potential providers and get an idea of the cost.


New Member
male20674 said:
I need an insured cleaning service who has reasonable prices to clean a townhouse in wildewood before I can get it on the market. Any recommendations?

Patti Clarke 301.481.3935. Highly recommended. :yay:


New Member

Good Afternoon, My step mother ownes her own company and would do this at a great price. She is good at what she does, I can give you her number. Just email me by 5pm today.

male20674 said:
I need an insured cleaning service who has reasonable prices to clean a townhouse in wildewood before I can get it on the market. Any recommendations?