Of course they do. As our friends at the Committee to Unleash Prosperity observed, this has happened “maybe because the war on fossil fuels has deindustrialized Germany and many other European nations. Maybe it’s because green energy is so much more expensive to produce. Maybe because the biggest polluters like China have done nothing.”
Let’s add another “maybe.” The resistance is likely also based on a growing skepticism. We have been bombarded by global warming scare stories for more than three decades and yet we’re still here. No matter how much the alarmists cheat, lie, obfuscate and bully, it’s obvious that the entire narrative is based on assumptions, speculation and political ideology. Every claim they make can be easily refuted. To name a few, which we’ll call the big three:
We just lived through the hottest year/month/week/day on record. This is meaningless. Hottest compared to what? The only reliable measure we have is from satellite readings that go back to only 1979 and they show
nothing to get worked up about.
All other data are entirely unreliable. Mixing tree rings, mercury thermometer records that are “adjusted,” numbers from
nonexistent and
compromised weather stations and modern equipment to whip up widespread fear is scientific malpractice.
Let us muddy the climate waters even more by mentioning that the concept of a “global temperature” is “
thermodynamically as well as mathematically an impossibility.”
The experts, using their climate models, tell us that we’re headed toward disaster. Steve Koonin, who is no Republican operative nor corporate shill but a Massachusetts Institute of Technology- and CalTech-educated physicist and
Obama appointee,
has pointed out that results produced by models “generally don’t much look like the climate system we observe.” To keep the fearmongering hot, the “modelers then adjust (‘tune’) these parameters to get a better match with some features of the real climate system.”
Climate models overheat,” is another way to say it.
There’s a scientific consensus that man is overheating his planet. Science does not work by consensus. The idea was
invented. There are skeptics in the climate science field, and not just 3% (as is often claimed, based on spurious data), and their work is important, even though they’ve been professionally and socially shunned, vilified and attacked for daring to buck the narrative.
We expect the alarmists, if any of them read this, will accuse us of being paid off by the oil industry. If only. We could use the cash.
But we have not received a penny from anyone in the fossil fuel sector. I&I’s global warming position, formed decades ago while making up the editorial board at Investor’s Business Daily, was arrived at independently and honestly after we looked at the facts.
We can’t say the same for the alarmists, who are emotionally invested in disaster, demand more government funding and regulation, and can’t curb their perverted urges to control the lives of others.