Clinton: Climate change is the world's biggest worry


Super Genius
DAVOS, Switzerland -- Former U.S. President Bill Clinton told corporate chieftains and political bigwigs Saturday that climate change was the world's biggest problem _ followed by global inequality and the "apparently irreconcilable" religious and cultural differences behind terrorism.

:blahblah: usual Clinton stuff, but I was surprised when I got to this line...
Clinton called for "a serious global effort to develop a clean energy future" to avoid the onset of another ice age.
:confused: Ice age? What happened to global warming? Should we start mandating the use of CFC's?


He's referring to the disruption of the deep ocean currents that's supposed to start another ice age as dramatized in The Day After Tommorrow. Fresh water from melting ice messes with the flow of the currents that carry warm water from the tropics northward and voila - ice age time... in theory.

I have to give Clinton credit for at least being smart enough to not assign a definative timeframe to his predictions. Al Gore is always saying five years, ten years, etc., and then he looks even more foolish when the time is up and nothing's happened.


Super Genius
Bruzilla said:
He's referring to the disruption of the deep ocean currents that's supposed to start another ice age as dramatized in The Day After Tommorrow. Fresh water from melting ice messes with the flow of the currents that carry warm water from the tropics northward and voila - ice age time... in theory.
I'd love to see someone try to explain that theory. Seems to defy basic logic.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
ylexot said:
I'd love to see someone try to explain that theory. Seems to defy basic logic.
That's because they made it up on the fly. Once they've had time to really think about it, we'll get a better hysteria scenario.

Al Gore and other enviro-nutties are perfect examples of what a bunch of maroons we are these days. Over and over, their deadline for annihilation passes, yet they still have an audience that hangs on their every word.

People believe this crap because they want to. Mining accidents, shark attacks, the various flus that are supposed to kill us're better off not worrying about this stuff and just :popcorn: while the ignorant masses gobble it up like candy.


Nothing to see here
ylexot said:
I'd love to see someone try to explain that theory. Seems to defy basic logic.

Same principal, I believe, as filling 2 ice trays, one with hot water, one with cold, and putting them in the freezer. The hot water tray will freeze first.


Super Genius
vraiblonde said:
People believe this crap because they want to. Mining accidents, shark attacks, the various flus that are supposed to kill us're better off not worrying about this stuff and just :popcorn: while the ignorant masses gobble it up like candy.
I don't worry about it, but I am worried about the ignorant masses making life difficult for everyone while they go off battling the boogeyman.


In My Opinion
You would think Clinton would be thrilled at global warming.
The hotter it is the less women wear,, easier for him to molest them

of course, looking at hillary,, who can really blame the man?

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
vraiblonde said:
That's because they made it up on the fly. Once they've had time to really think about it, we'll get a better hysteria scenario.
No, it's an acutal scientific theory, not made up. But will it happen in the near future? I don't really think so.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Bustem' Down said:
No, it's an acutal scientific theory, not made up. But will it happen in the near future? I don't really think so.
:smack: Do you read what you post?

It is "theory", therefore it is made up. It may be through some logical deduction or extrapolation, but it is not fact.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
2ndAmendment said:
:smack: Do you read what you post?

It is "theory", therefore it is made up. It may be through some logical deduction or extrapolation, but it is not fact.
Based on that, everything is a theory. There was already a conversation in another thread about fact and theory and that theory is sometimes better than fact because it's always being tested where as a fact is just assumed always true. Never the less, my meaning was that is was not something that the Democrats and hippies just pulled out of thier pocket, but and actual scientific theory that's been around for a while and is actively being studied.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Bustem' Down said:
Based on that, everything is a theory. There was already a conversation in another thread about fact and theory and that theory is sometimes better than fact because it's always being tested where as a fact is just assumed always true. Never the less, my meaning was that is was not something that the Democrats and hippies just pulled out of thier pocket, but and actual scientific theory that's been around for a while and is actively being studied.
No. Everything is not theory. There are facts, laws, theories, postulates, proofs, and corollaries.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Bustem' Down said:
There was already a conversation in another thread about fact and theory and that theory is sometimes better than fact because it's always being tested where as a fact is just assumed always true.
Theories are never better than facts. Theories change with new information - facts are constant. I just colored my hair - that is a fact. I did it to hide the grey - that is a theory. The fact that I colored my hair will never change. Why I did it is open to conjecture.

The fact is that the jury is out on global warming. Some scientists say that the earth is warming, some say it's merely going through normal temperature fluctuations. Of the scientists that say the earth is indeed warming, some blame man and our modern lifestyles - others say it's a natural occurrence and has nothing to do with us.

So, yes, global warming is a theory that is being actively studied. But it is by no means a fact and it certainly isn't the world's greatest problem.

Ebola virus was theoretically supposed to spread world-wide and kill us all 10 years ago. I don't know about you, but I'm still alive. So much for "theories".

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
vraiblonde said:
Theories are never better than facts. Theories change with new information - facts are constant. I just colored my hair - that is a fact. I did it to hide the grey - that is a theory. The fact that I colored my hair will never change. Why I did it is open to conjecture.

The fact is that the jury is out on global warming. Some scientists say that the earth is warming, some say it's merely going through normal temperature fluctuations. Of the scientists that say the earth is indeed warming, some blame man and our modern lifestyles - others say it's a natural occurrence and has nothing to do with us.

So, yes, global warming is a theory that is being actively studied. But it is by no means a fact and it certainly isn't the world's greatest problem.

Ebola virus was theoretically supposed to spread world-wide and kill us all 10 years ago. I don't know about you, but I'm still alive. So much for "theories".

Relativity is a theory, but it created the A-bomb. I never said that it was true, I was merely stating that it was not something created by Democrats and hippies for thier own agendas.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Bustem' Down said:
I was merely stating that it was not something created by Democrats and hippies for thier own agendas.
It wasn't created by Democrats and hippies, but Democrats and hippies are definitely trying to make legislation based on this theory. And that infinitely worse than a bunch of scientists hypothesizing and theorizing.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
2ndAmendment said:
No. Everything is not theory. There are facts, laws, theories, postulates, proofs, and corollaries.
Really? Is gravity a theory, or a fact?


New Member
I still believe the world is flat.

Any "proof" to the contrary has obviously been fabricated to help the terrorists.

Damn the liberals and their "science"...


The science behind the currents is solid. The Gulf Stream is an example. It moves warm water from the tropics to the northern Atlantic, which has a great influence on the weather. This why in the winter it's often colder in MD than it is in Iceland. But if the gulf stream were disrupted the north would lose that moderating temperature boost and the place would ice over. On the other side, cold water sinks to the bottom and gets caught in a different current that moves it to the tropics where it gets warmed, rises, and the cycle continues.