hvp05 said:
Well, now here we part in belief.
I have no doubt that most of this board would disagree with me on that point.
I just think the vast majority of immigrants - illegal or otherwise - are simply here to have a chance at a better life than they can get at home. I can't see anything wrong with that. If Mexico wasn't a hole, and life there was better there than here, I might even be sneaking over the border if I had to.
hvp05 said:
Terrorism. Any wack-job could cross undocumented and blend right in. Remember the millennium terrorist plot that was thwarted by an alert border guard?
No, I don't remember that. I'll google it later. Even still, I'll bet that's the exception, not the rule. But you do make two good points, and about the only rebuttal that I can come up with is: "Well, it's like that now."
If Asama Bin Dingleberry secretly docked somewhere in Venezuela (where he's heartily greeted by Hugo Chavez, given a fat cigar, a pound and a half of cocaine, and is treated to a donkey-sex show), and hitchhiked his way up through Central America into Mexico and came across the Arizona border, there is currently nothing that can be done about it.
(And any attempts to do so are summarily thwarted by the US Gub'mint and hippies)
Not to mention we have our own home-grown whack-jobs.
The turn of the century (19->20th) , there was such a surge of immigration that I'll bet most of the current population of 350 million people are somehow closely related to an immigrant if they aren't one themselves. And in the 20th century we went from
Horse-and-buggy travel to
Space Travel in a single lifespan.
Having said that: If we're going to secure the borders and have these laws, we should SECURE the Borders and ENFORCE these laws. And we shouldn't have to look over our shoulder, worried that someone's going to call us "racist" when we do so.
It is for this reason that Hillary Clinton should be tied up in a sack, and have anything that sticks up whacked with a stick.