Clinton speaks before Hispanic civil rights conference


Methodically disorganized
ylexot said:
...and kisses some major @ss!

she vowed her support for legislation that would allow illegal immigrant high school students to attend college.

Whaaaaa? :shocked: I can't imagine anyone supporting something so stupid! Also, illegal immigrant high school students? Whaaaaa? (again) Why are we paying to educate illegals? UFB!
Okay, first let me say :cussing:

I think you nailed it in the first line: she was kissing butt. I think people are aware that she doesn't actually believe a lot of what she says or endorses.

Next, I'm disturbed at the fact that this group (National Council of La Raza) is the "nations' largest Hispanic civil rights organization", so they are openly backing illegal immigration. If you really love this country, respect its laws!

What's worse, representatives from both the RNC and the DNC will be attending this gathering. They may as well say to them literally that being an illegal is a-okay... as long as you vote for our party.



hvp05 said:
Next, I'm disturbed at the fact that this group (National Council of La Raza) is the "nations' largest Hispanic civil rights organization", so they are openly backing illegal immigration. If you really love this country, respect its laws!

The democrats have set on a particularly dangerous course of action. They have convinced Latin Americans - and to a lesser extent, other minorities, along with their core base, and unfortunately many moderates - that opposing illegal immigration, or wanting to curb it, is racist.

I could almost swallow this load of crap, if these very same laws didn't apply to ALL immigrants (even the eurocentric ones - it's true). Unfortunately, it just so happens that the vast majority of immigrants come from the overflowing toilet-bowl to our south.

Now it seems now that most of Latin America - particuarly those who live in Mexico and want to work here - are convinced that having immigration laws is inherently racist, and that mindset is now contaminating a non-negligable portion of our own population.

And they don't seem to understand how dangerous or self-destructive this mindset is.

You know, if it weren't for welfare programs, and for the other ten bazillion entitlement programs that I'm paying for, I wouldn't care if they opened the borders and did away with INS altogether.

I don't have a problem with people from all over the world moving here. I don't have a problem with them going to our schools and "taking our jobs". I don't even mind learning Spanish (or Japanese or French or Sanskrit or Icelandic) to accommodate the people who don't understand English.

I just don't want to pay for them to live here.


Methodically disorganized
Toxick said:
The democrats have set on a particularly dangerous course of action. They have convinced Latin Americans - and to a lesser extent, other minorities, along with their core base, and unfortunately many moderates - that opposing illegal immigration, or wanting to curb it, is racist.
I recently gave you a thumbs-up on another post, and I shall grant you yet another... :yay: It is sad to see what the Dems will dish just to gain power.

Toxick said:
Unfortunately, it just so happens that the vast majority of immigrants come from the overflowing toilet-bowl to our south.

Toxick said:
You know, if it weren't for welfare programs, and for the other ten bazillion entitlement programs that I'm paying for, I wouldn't care if they opened the borders and did away with INS altogether. {snip...}
Well, now here we part in belief. I would be strongly worried about an "open" border for two reasons: (1) Illegals that commit [violent] crimes and can't be prosecuted because of their status. Or maybe they run back to Mexico with their tail between their legs, fully aware that Mexico will not agree to extradite in a potential death penalty case. (2) Terrorism. Any wack-job could cross undocumented and blend right in. Remember the millennium terrorist plot that was thwarted by an alert border guard?

Illegals cost the citizens of California alone 9 billion dollars a year. How the Dems can possibly formulate a straight-faced response to numbers like that is boggling.


hvp05 said:
Well, now here we part in belief.

I have no doubt that most of this board would disagree with me on that point.

I just think the vast majority of immigrants - illegal or otherwise - are simply here to have a chance at a better life than they can get at home. I can't see anything wrong with that. If Mexico wasn't a hole, and life there was better there than here, I might even be sneaking over the border if I had to.

hvp05 said:
Terrorism. Any wack-job could cross undocumented and blend right in. Remember the millennium terrorist plot that was thwarted by an alert border guard?

No, I don't remember that. I'll google it later. Even still, I'll bet that's the exception, not the rule. But you do make two good points, and about the only rebuttal that I can come up with is: "Well, it's like that now."

If Asama Bin Dingleberry secretly docked somewhere in Venezuela (where he's heartily greeted by Hugo Chavez, given a fat cigar, a pound and a half of cocaine, and is treated to a donkey-sex show), and hitchhiked his way up through Central America into Mexico and came across the Arizona border, there is currently nothing that can be done about it.

(And any attempts to do so are summarily thwarted by the US Gub'mint and hippies)

Not to mention we have our own home-grown whack-jobs.

The turn of the century (19->20th) , there was such a surge of immigration that I'll bet most of the current population of 350 million people are somehow closely related to an immigrant if they aren't one themselves. And in the 20th century we went from Horse-and-buggy travel to Space Travel in a single lifespan.

Having said that: If we're going to secure the borders and have these laws, we should SECURE the Borders and ENFORCE these laws. And we shouldn't have to look over our shoulder, worried that someone's going to call us "racist" when we do so.

It is for this reason that Hillary Clinton should be tied up in a sack, and have anything that sticks up whacked with a stick.


Lovin' being Texican
Toxick said:
I have no doubt that most of this board would disagree with me on that point.

I just think the vast majority of immigrants - illegal or otherwise - are simply here to have a chance at a better life than they can get at home. I can't see anything wrong with that. If Mexico wasn't a hole, and life there was better there than here, I might even be sneaking over the border if I had to.

No, I don't remember that. I'll google it later. Even still, I'll bet that's the exception, not the rule. But you do make two good points, and about the only rebuttal that I can come up with is: "Well, it's like that now."

If Asama Bin Dingleberry secretly docked somewhere in Venezuela (where he's heartily greeted by Hugo Chavez, given a fat cigar, a pound and a half of cocaine, and is treated to a donkey-sex show), and hitchhiked his way up through Central America into Mexico and came across the Arizona border, there is currently nothing that can be done about it.

(And any attempts to do so are summarily thwarted by the US Gub'mint and hippies)

Not to mention we have our own home-grown whack-jobs.

The turn of the century (19->20th) , there was such a surge of immigration that I'll bet most of the current population of 350 million people are somehow closely related to an immigrant if they aren't one themselves. And in the 20th century we went from Horse-and-buggy travel to Space Travel in a single lifespan.

Having said that: If we're going to secure the borders and have these laws, we should SECURE the Borders and ENFORCE these laws. And we shouldn't have to look over our shoulder, worried that someone's going to call us "racist" when we do so.

It is for this reason that Hillary Clinton should be tied up in a sack, and have anything that sticks up whacked with a stick.

Is it only coincidence this banner followed your post?


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