Clinton Tax Lessons


No Use for Donk Twits
New York Senator Hillary Clinton and her husband spend a lot of time on the Presidential trail deploring the "wealthy" and "well-connected." As their newly released tax records for 2000 to 2007 show, they know of whom they speak.

The former, and perhaps future, first couple earned $109 million over the past eight years, putting them among the top .01% of taxpayers. Apparently the Bush years haven't been a Depression era for everyone. The bulk of the Clintons' income came from speech-making ($51.9 million) and book-writing ($29.6 million), and it's hard to begrudge their desire to cash in on the Presidency after toiling for so many years in public service. The Clintons are hardly unique in showing that in today's Washington you can do very, very well after you've done good.

Alas, yes. Senator Clinton's main tax proposal is to repeal the tax cuts of 2001 and 2003, raising rates to the levels of the Clinton Presidency. "We didn't ask for George Bush's tax cuts. We didn't want them, and we didn't need them," Mrs. Clinton explained.

With friends like Mr. Burkle, clearly they didn't. But her higher tax rates wouldn't merely hit those who make $109 million; they'd soak middle-class families that make $100,000 or $200,000 a year and hardly feel "rich." If the former first lady feels so strongly that she should pay more taxes, we suggest she lay off the middle class and instead write a personal check to the U.S. Treasury for the difference between the Clinton and Bush tax rates. She and her husband can afford it.

The Clinton's Foundations, donors and recipients are interesting reading. These folks have fine tuned their political machine.

Clinton Tax Lessons -


New Member
Corruption and Clinton, these two words are synonymous.

One day if there is any honesty in this world the Webster Thesaurus will include corruption and the word Clinton as having the same meaning.

Everything they do, including their so called charitible contributions are tinged with corruption, they are vile. There are not enough adjectives to describe the crafty, Deceitful, devious, Machiavellian, schemes they come up with to fool Democrats into giving them their vote.

The IRS should be on top of this so called Clinton Foundation Charity. Its no more than a scam. How many Billions have been contributed by corporations to the William Jefferson Clinton Foundation so that Bill could take credit for AIDs research and other things, and what did they get in return for their contributions?

No one in the history of the American Presidency has used the Presidency as these two grifters have. They used the White House bedrooms to get campaign money while they were there and when they got out they have used the Presidency to become multi-millionaires. Hillary says she and Bill dont need tax cuts. I dont guess they do. If I could figure ways to steal like they do, I wouldnt need them either.


NOT Politically Correct!!
Americans cannot afford the rhetoric of another Clinton Administration. :buttkick:


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