CNN - they just don't quit


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Lou Dobbs is busting on Bush (surprise surprise) because US Intelligence failed to predict the Hamas election win. He was quite clear that he holds Bush personally responsible for this.


I need to buy a new TV for in the office so I can watch Fox. My current set is 25 years old and only goes up to like channel 36 or something.


Super Genius
vraiblonde said:
I need to buy a new TV for in the office so I can watch Fox. My current set is 25 years old and only goes up to like channel 36 or something.
I'm going to be buying a big screen next week and selling my 27" Zenith...


This Space for Rent
I guess that is why the spent $2 million according to the WP to try and sway the election in Fattah's favor. It was because they weren't worried about a Hamas win. :rolleyes: