CNN won't allow people to stream Thursday's debate


Well-Known Member
I have a feeling this is not going to go well for the Communist Nattering Nabobs.

CNN won't allow people to stream Thursday's debate on YouTube or other social media sites for commentary. Why do you think that is?

  • First, they take away the studio audience, because we can't have live crowd reactions to Biden's stumbling and fumbling.

  • Then CNN banned all other news organizations from attendance. Meaning that the room will be Biden and Trump, the CNN moderators, and the camera crew, and that's it.
  • The Democrats demanded to allow the fake news media to have complete control over the in-person venue.
  • Now, CNN is fighting to prevent people from commenting at length on the debate live ONLINE!
And this is after Joe Biden disappeared for a WEEK to prepare for the debate!!



Well-Known Member
Much ado about nothing. Streamers/channels/etc. can run excerpts and add whatever commentary they want. They just can’t live stream.

Pretty standard arrangements.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
So what’s CNN’s angle?

Profits ? On an event for the public welfare?

Do they make money on the SOTU?


Well-Known Member
I don't know much about the technical aspects of this clown show, but I don't see how CNN can stop it.
The way I see it anyone who is watching CNN and has the ability to get on Social Media can do it.