Coach kicks 8 players off team


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
For violating 'team rules'. Good for you coach. Send a strong message to the rest of the players. More coaches need to borrow your game balls when dealing with these youngsters who have been coddled. I'm sure the alumni are disappointed.

Texas coach Charlie Strong has dismissed another player off of his roster in his inaugural season.
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Redshirt freshman linebacker Deoundrei Davis was kicked off the team Friday for a violation of team rules, a school spokesperson confirmed. Davis is the eighth player dismissed by Strong since March.

The list of players Strong has kicked off now includes Davis, Joe Bergeron, Jalen Overstreet, Chevoski Collins, Kendall Sanders, Montrel Meander, Leroy Scott and Chet Moss. In addition to the eight dismissed players, four more -- tackle Desmond Harrison, tackle Kennedy Estelle, receiver/running back Daje Johnson and safety Josh Turner -- were suspended for Texas' home game Saturday against BYU.


Strong lives up to his name. He doesn't tolerate bull####. It might be a long season, but he's trying to set them up for future success.


mama to two
Strong lives up to his name. He doesn't tolerate bull####. It might be a long season, but he's trying to set them up for future success.

It is good to see a few trying to reign in the "me generation". I bet he has their attention, now. He is doing them a favor. Good for this coach! :yay:


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
If he doesn't start winning they will find some coach that will. I hope the rest of the team rallies behind the coach.


Well-Known Member
Generally coaches in college are given 3 years, this being Texas I say they will give 2 years.

They were only so patient with Brown because he did win them a national championship, played for another, and before him they weren't that good.


It is good to see a few trying to reign in the "me generation". I bet he has their attention, now. He is doing them a favor. Good for this coach! :yay:

It's not like these issues just started with the "me generation" as you put it. These issues have been happening in college football (and elsewhere) since you were college-aged and probably before that. :yay: