

New Member
What can anyone tell me about dealing with COBRA....

Do you believe it to be a Continuation of Benefits?

What do you think Continuation means?


Luvin Life !!!
What can anyone tell me about dealing with COBRA....

Do you believe it to be a Continuation of Benefits?

What do you think Continuation means?

Cobra means that you elect to continue your health benefits but at most likely a higher rate than what you previously were paying as many employers pay a percentage toward your benefits therefore reducing your contributions during employment. Depending on the reason for your separation from employment will determine how long you may elect cobra coverage. Also I do believe there was a federal law that went into effect that could possibly reduce your monthly cobra payment that might be worth checking into.


New Member
I'm not worried about the 2% or 3% administrative fee associated with COBRA.

[Although I'm sure there are those who would be if laid off or fired... ]

I'm upset with the program itself.....

It's new coverage.... that means all the work my doctor did to get all the pre-approvals for me.... that's gone.... I have to call my Dr's office [who got notice that my insurance was cancelled] and ask him to get his staff to repeat all the paperwork they did!

Pardon me if I'm a little grumpy.... I need my prescriptions [which I cannot get until I pay the COBRA in full, wait for the check to clear, and then get all the pre-approvals re-done] and I'm fighting the system with deminished capacity due to LYME>

Continuation of Benefits my big fat *(') :coffee:


Seat Belts Save Boobs

Consider contacting a local Doctor, ask about paying cash for services. Many times it will be less expensive than paying COBRA. Doctors worth their salt will understand plus they love cash just like anyone else.

I'm not worried about the 2% or 3% administrative fee associated with COBRA.

[Although I'm sure there are those who would be if laid off or fired... ]

I'm upset with the program itself.....

It's new coverage.... that means all the work my doctor did to get all the pre-approvals for me.... that's gone.... I have to call my Dr's office [who got notice that my insurance was cancelled] and ask him to get his staff to repeat all the paperwork they did!

Pardon me if I'm a little grumpy.... I need my prescriptions [which I cannot get until I pay the COBRA in full, wait for the check to clear, and then get all the pre-approvals re-done] and I'm fighting the system with deminished capacity due to LYME>

Continuation of Benefits my big fat *(') :coffee:


Salt Life
Pardon me if I'm a little grumpy.... I need my prescriptions [which I cannot get until I pay the COBRA in full, wait for the check to clear, and then get all the pre-approvals re-done] and I'm fighting the system with deminished capacity due to LYME>

I have known a few people to pick up COBRA and they all say it was pretty straight forward. You still have the same insurance, but you pay the full premium.

You have something like 30 or 60 days to elect coverage. Were you recently termed from a job? Call your HR person and speak with them to make sure they didn't drop the ball.


Well-Known Member
What can anyone tell me about dealing with COBRA....

Do you believe it to be a Continuation of Benefits?

What do you think Continuation means?

One of the elder gents in the office; suffering from "Short-Timer's Disease" was talking about that very thing earlier. He retires in a matter of months.
HE "google'd it," but I don't know if he found anything; but he doesn't find computers friendly either.


New Member
Consider contacting a local Doctor, ask about paying cash for services. Many times it will be less expensive than paying COBRA. Doctors worth their salt will understand plus they love cash just like anyone else.

I have Lyme and I'm being treated now.... IV meds alone are $1500.00 a week.... so it's not the cost that's bothering me...

I finally got the ok to get my Rx today but the whole ordeal has been not so great....

From what I have found, the best thing to do is to contact your doctor before the COBRA date will be coming... [I thought I had a couple more weeks] get any Rx you can....

Then once you get on the COBRA system [and you have 63 days only to get on the system to have continuation of coverage] be prepared to pay right away for the first month.... if you have been laid off, go to the website because you may qualify for a discount... but if not... there will probably a small fee on top of the full amount of your regular insurance....

Once you have the forms filled, and the payment has gone through the bank, you will receive a new card.... call the COBRA company and ask them nicely to move your pre-authorizations over to your new card [you have no history so it can't continue what it doesn't know]

Then your doctor will have to bill the new card.

It's been a real experience getting my prescription filled. I hope my doctor won't have too much trouble getting his money.... I'll be spitting angry...


New Member
I have Lyme and I'm being treated now.... IV meds alone are $1500.00 a week.... so it's not the cost that's bothering me...

I finally got the ok to get my Rx today but the whole ordeal has been not so great....

From what I have found, the best thing to do is to contact your doctor before the COBRA date will be coming... [I thought I had a couple more weeks] get any Rx you can....

Then once you get on the COBRA system [and you have 63 days only to get on the system to have continuation of coverage] be prepared to pay right away for the first month.... if you have been laid off, go to the website because you may qualify for a discount... but if not... there will probably a small fee on top of the full amount of your regular insurance....

Once you have the forms filled, and the payment has gone through the bank, you will receive a new card.... call the COBRA company and ask them nicely to move your pre-authorizations over to your new card [you have no history so it can't continue what it doesn't know]

Then your doctor will have to bill the new card.

It's been a real experience getting my prescription filled. I hope my doctor won't have too much trouble getting his money.... I'll be spitting angry...

Sounds like your issue might be with your insurance company, not Cobra. I had to had to pay upfront too but I had no disruption of service. Did get a new card but with the same policy and other numbers, just wasnt associated with my old company. The real pain was dealing with my old company getting it set up.


New Member
Sounds like your issue might be with your insurance company, not Cobra. I had to had to pay upfront too but I had no disruption of service. Did get a new card but with the same policy and other numbers, just wasnt associated with my old company. The real pain was dealing with my old company getting it set up.

That's exactly my point.... setting it up is the pain. I have a lot of pre-authorizations out there. My new card creates new issues if the COBRA insurance is acting like a new card.... it's supposed to be a continuation.... the set up needs to be smoother


New Member
That's exactly my point.... setting it up is the pain. I have a lot of pre-authorizations out there. My new card creates new issues if the COBRA insurance is acting like a new card.... it's supposed to be a continuation.... the set up needs to be smoother

Sorry, I didnt make my point clear. There isnt a COBRA insurance company. As somebody else posted, COBRA is a law requiring your old employer, through your old health insurance company, to continue your existing health coverage.

I had no issues with my health insurance company. New card, same policy, no issues, and I was seeing several doctors at the time. I called my health insurance provider as soon as I knew I wanted to continue my coverage. But my old employer, not so helpful, more accurately the company that administered their health insurance. In my case, the Hartford Corp, who is not my health insurance provider.

Have you tried calling you heath insurance provider to see if they can/will help?

I agree it is/was a pain, so I was a pain untill I got what I wanted...continuation of my health insurance.

hope it all works out.


New Member
Sorry, I didnt make my point clear.

Have you tried calling you heath insurance provider to see if they can/will help?

I called my provider.... had I not called and begged and pleaded and cried and remained a persistant pain in the behind... I would still be without my medication....

The insurance provider is still the same but it is indeed a new policy .... and maybe it's different since our insurance was part of a package provided to State employees.... but I had to discuss the coverage first with a Direct Pay specialist with the State of Maryland before I could even begin to discuss the particular prescription problems with the insurance company....

That's my issue.... COBRA... great idea..... setting it up.... horrible transition .... but then again... maybe the fact that I am right in the middle of a very expensive treatment plan.... might have made me a little more antsy.... I am feeling really lucky that I had the money to pay for the insurance on demand....

I'm glad your insurance company had all the kinks worked out.... Mine didn't.... and there should be better guidelines or more information out there....