Cocker Spaniel Wanted


Warrant Guru

If anyone hears/see something for a cocker spaniel between the ages of 4-6, let me know. My mom is so impressed how people on here helped me get my dog that she is hoping that you can help her. She has gotten dogs from Oldies but Goodies but the last one she got from there, they did not tell her that the dog had unresolvable medical issues. She is nervous about looking there again plus they would rather place an older dog (over 10) with her because of her age (over 60). She is not looking for a puppy, just a companion.
Warrant Guru said:
If anyone hears/see something for a cocker spaniel between the ages of 4-6, let me know. My mom is so impressed how people on here helped me get my dog that she is hoping that you can help her. She has gotten dogs from Oldies but Goodies but the last one she got from there, they did not tell her that the dog had unresolvable medical issues. She is nervous about looking there again plus they would rather place an older dog (over 10) with her because of her age (over 60). She is not looking for a puppy, just a companion.

Try this....

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
SMAWL has a cocker for adoption. Just go to their website. I don't know how to link it cause I'm computer illiterate.


Cocker spaniels are great dogs. I had one growing up and she lived till she was 11. She was a sweet girl, and I miss her.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
nitwhit3286 said:
Cocker spaniels are great dogs. I had one growing up and she lived till she was 11. She was a sweet girl, and I miss her.
Our next door neighbors had one. When you came in the door, it would pee on your foot.

Warrant Guru

nitwhit3286 said:
Cocker spaniels are great dogs. I had one growing up and she lived till she was 11. She was a sweet girl, and I miss her.

My parents got a cocker, Sandy, right before I was born so I also grew up with one. He would go sledding with us and loved to make snow angels. Mom also got another one, Taury, when I was a teen-ager. She got a rescue cocker, Joy, after I had left and gotten married but she had to many medical problems when she got her that there was no way to save her. Mom says she wants to be buried with all 3 dogs ashes. Now that's true dedication to your Cocker Spaniels!