

Loyalty, Friendship, Love
I got one of those emails from some high school reunion site. Usually I just delete them, but for some reason, I decided to go to the site. I was just looking at the names and the states they live in (I refuse to pay for the privledge to reminisce) and I happened to notice a guy who was in most of my classes, starting in 4th grade, had moved to Florida.

Anyway, later, I went to visit my mother and she was reading the paper. She pointed out this article from the Post. She found it interesting, especially since it talks quite a bit about St. George's Island. (for those of you who refuse to register at the post, the article is, "Bay's Dialects Slowly Dying: As City Encroaches and Watermen Leave, Linguists Try to Preserve Vernacular")

My old classmate is one of the linguists quoted a couple of times in the article. He's a professor at the University of Central Florida and has done a couple of papers on dialects in Southern Maryland.


New Member
Dymphna said:
I got one of those emails from some high school reunion site. Usually I just delete them, but for some reason, I decided to go to the site. I was just looking at the names and the states they live in (I refuse to pay for the privledge to reminisce) and I happened to notice a guy who was in most of my classes, starting in 4th grade, had moved to Florida.

Anyway, later, I went to visit my mother and she was reading the paper. She pointed out this article from the Post. She found it interesting, especially since it talks quite a bit about St. George's Island. (for those of you who refuse to register at the post, the article is, "Bay's Dialects Slowly Dying: As City Encroaches and Watermen Leave, Linguists Try to Preserve Vernacular")

My old classmate is one of the linguists quoted a couple of times in the article. He's a professor at the University of Central Florida and has done a couple of papers on dialects in Southern Maryland.

The universe works in mysterious ways.


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PREMO Member
Dymphna said:
My old classmate is one of the linguists quoted a couple of times in the article. He's a professor at the University of Central Florida and has done a couple of papers on dialects in Southern Maryland.

Interesting stuff. Last year 2A went to his HS reunion last year and found out one of his buddies is a Brigadier General in Iraq. I skip those things so my only claim to fame is going to HS with Sugar Ray Leonard (who was nobody back then). :lol: