Cold Fusion Generator Works But A.p. Sits On Its G




Umm Why


BRADENTON, Fla., Oct. 30, 2011 -- If you went to Google tonight and searched for the terms "E Cat Rossi Associated Press" you'd get 1,430,000 results from blogs, Web sites and magazines like (UK edition). That number will grow.

Most are about how an Associated Press reporter attended the demonstration of a device - as the exclusive media person present during the whole test - that proceeded to generate 475,000 watts of power continuously for five hours with no input and just its secret Low Energy Nuclear Reaction device - a cold fusion reactor, in plain terms - providing power for the people who need it most - this world's billions of poor and hungry human beings..

There is substantial skepticism about Rossi and the reactor, and one critic has noted the inventor has had several brushes with the law over get-rich-quick schemes, the latest in the '90s, but always got short sentences and never went to jail. He would not be the first important inventor with an arrest record.

At the demonstration on this past Friday, Oct. 28, there was a large generator outside his workshop with cables running into the room where the demonstration was conducted. Rossi has explained to Pewwiki founder Sterling Allan that it was "absolutely cold" in the workshop and the generator was needed for heat in the fairly large space (the E Cat produces only steam usable for a turbine). Most of the videos of the demonstration show Rossi in a thin blue dress shirt, and one person present told me tonight it was "quite chilly" at the event. Most people are wearing jackets or sweaters inside, so that seems a plausible explanation. The A.P. has not yet reported anything, so we remain at least partly in the dark. In the video at left, below, sound of the generator is heard throughout, while the E Cat actually operates in complete silence. Touching it, I'm told, once can feel something bubblinside - apparently the water that makes the steam that is measured as output.


But I suspect the world will wait a long time for the A.P. story. It appears, at least, that we've all been cheated of progress once again. The test was for a customer - his first name was "Colonel" - who immediately hooked up the 20-ft container it was placed in and drove it away. It is the A.P., after all, with its thousands of news outlets around the globe, which can really tell the world what has happened.

Ironically, now just a day later, 1.7 million people are without power in the blizzard hitting the Northeast, the New York Times reports. It has no story on the Rossi device as a home heater because the AP didn't write one yet. After you purchase it, the Rossi device, which is intended for homes and factories, will supply electricity for free forever. The Internet gave the U.S. economy a helluva jolt, but the E Cat would also keep 1.7 million people - an awful lot of broke families and hungry children among them - from shivering through this long cold night.

The technology has been vetted by people as diverse as scientists of U.S. Navy space and warfare division, NASA Chief Scientist Dennis Bushnell, Nobel Laureate Brian Josephson, the chairman of the energy committee of the Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences - who helps name the Nobel Prize winner in several sciences - and even the head of the Swedish Skeptics Society, there has not been a peep out of the A.P. since.

This reporter, in fact, was warned by someone named Jerome on its national desk in the early hours of Saturday morning not to be too quick to believe an A.P. Reporter was there - although his name, Peter Svensson, and picture with other journalists appears on some of those sites tonight - and I was criticized for "driving A.P. coverage" of the event.

Since the E Cat is just as important as the invention of the radio, the Internet, the light bulb and the atom bomb, and since - as DOE spokesman Sean Murphy told reporters in 2009 about the device's fundamental element, hydrogen - so it can completely replace oil by 2050, this reporter thought he was doing the A.P. a favor when he called up their national desk and told them about it just 30 hours or so before the test.


New Member
Prepare for the Black Helicopter Conspiracy Theories about how the Oil Companies scuttled the device or made the inventor disappear.