Colin Powell


New Member
In the entire article entitled...

Four years into an embattled Bush administration, Colin Powell is hard at work at something he's never had to worry about before: salvaging his legacy.

By Wil S. Hylton

...there is about 4 sentences from the mouth of Colin Powell. The rest are quotes from collegues. And what Colin does talk about is an island of the coast of Morroco. This slanted reporting is making me sick these days. I hate to rant on like this every time I see an article but we as a society really need to be careful what kind of bullshite we believe. Politics are getting out of hand and it's only going to get worse until November.


Well-Known Member
That was my impression as well. Nothing substantial to work with.

I'm reminded of the whole thing about two weeks ago that claimed he and Cheney hated each other. Nope. No such thing. And then, this bit of "news" evaporated.

Jeez. Maybe I have a career waiting in journalism.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
There are a few things that confuse me about the way the media treats Colin Powell. If someone could help unconfuse me, I'd appreciate it.

First, why is it such a bad thing if a member of the President's cabinet has his own ideas and doesn't fall in lockstep with the rest of the gang? Wouldn't that be a good thing, to have diverse opinions and broader scope?

Second, even if Colin Powell believes one way and Rumsfeld (or whoever) believes another way, why does that make Powell automatically right and the other person wrong?

Third, one minute Harry Belafonte brings down the house by calling Powell a "house Negro". Next minute the libs are cheering him for his courage in not towing the party line. Which is it? Is he a house Negro or is he a brave non-conformist? Or is he a house Negro when he agrees with the Bush agenda and a brave non-conformist when he disagrees?

Fourth and last:
As his mentor from the National War College, Harlan Ullman, described it, "This is, in many ways, the most ideological administration Powell's ever had to work for. Not only is it very ideological, but they have a vision. And I think Powell is inherently uncomfortable with grand visions like that."
That can't possibly be true. Having a "vision" is a good thing and if Colin Powell is uncomfortable with "grand visions", he has no place in a Presidential Administration.

Colin Powell is a General in the US Army. He didn't get there by being short-sighted and confrontational. He also didn't get there by criticizing his boss to the media. This whole thing is BS.


New Member
I was always confused on why Powell is in the Bush Adminiatration. I always thought it was a popularity stunt becasue Powell has always been the man that everyone wants on their side...But I do believe that he now has to pick up the pieces of his legacy...He doesn't seem to fit in with the other fellas of the "New American Century" or whatever their neo-con group is called. Another thing I've been trying to figure out is Powell's preson, self-interest connection to this adminstration and I can't see t. It seems like everyone in the Bush White House is using their position to further their own outside affiliations, companies and causes. But I can't pin Powell to any of them...I just think he is reall out of place in this admin.... what do you all think?


Asperger's Poster Child
Originally posted by vraiblonde
First, why is it such a bad thing if a member of the President's cabinet has his own ideas and doesn't fall in lockstep with the rest of the gang?

I've seen some DU-style comments that argue exactly the opposite, describing Powell as the "one sane man in the White House lunatic asylum" or something like that.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by SOCIO
I was always confused on why Powell is in the Bush Adminiatration. I always thought it was a popularity stunt becasue Powell has always been the man that everyone wants on their side...
The Secretary of State is the ultimate diplomatic position. Colin Powell is a wonderful fit for this job.

Bush isn't one of those Presidents who only appoints yes-men and chihuahuas to cabinet positions. He has chosen men and women MUCH smarter than him to handle these jobs. This way he can feel comfortable delegating and letting the heads of these departments actually run their own show. As opposed to some other micro-manager Presidents who shall remain nameless.

Powell probably took the job because he's an intelligent, ambitious man and he thought he could do a good job. Simple as that.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Tonio
I've seen some DU-style comments that argue exactly the opposite, describing Powell as the "one sane man in the White House lunatic asylum" or something like that.
I've seen many more saying that he's a disgrace and the only reason Bush got him is so he can have a token. They say that about Rice, too.

I think both of them have done a fine job in office. Powell is a little TOO diplomatic for my tastes but that's his job and what he was hired for.


New Member
I agree that Powell is probably the best man to be sec. of state but I argue that statement that George Bush does not hire yesmen. I believe that GEORGE is the yesman and his cabinet is running the show. I think that's why he is so firm in his beliefs becasue he has little control over them...THere are many men in the White House who have much more power than this president...I think he's the perfect mouthpiece for a higher power (and I'm not refering to God)


Football season!
Originally posted by SOCIO
I agree that Powell is probably the best man to be sec. of state but I argue that statement that George Bush does not hire yesmen. I believe that GEORGE is the yesman and his cabinet is running the show. I think that's why he is so firm in his beliefs becasue he has little control over them...THere are many men in the White House who have much more power than this president...I think he's the perfect mouthpiece for a higher power (and I'm not refering to God)

I don't agree with the notion of him having little control, but the one positive thing I can say about Bush is that he recognized his weaknesses and built his whole team based on them.


New Member
Originally posted by SOCIO
I was always confused on why Powell is in the Bush Adminiatration. I always thought it was a popularity stunt becasue Powell has always been the man that everyone wants on their side...But I do believe that he now has to pick up the pieces of his legacy...He doesn't seem to fit in with the other fellas of the "New American Century" or whatever their neo-con group is called. Another thing I've been trying to figure out is Powell's preson, self-interest connection to this adminstration and I can't see t. It seems like everyone in the Bush White House is using their position to further their own outside affiliations, companies and causes. But I can't pin Powell to any of them...I just think he is reall out of place in this admin.... what do you all think?

Maybe it's to keep his son a job as the head of the FCC


New Member
Originally posted by Sparx
Maybe it's to keep his son a job as the head of the FCC

yes, that's the only connection I can see to Powell and the corporate world...But as far as Buch picking his team I believe that his team was given to him and the team chose him to be captain so they can do their thing and have a fall guy to speak for them....just one man's opinion though...


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by SOCIO
I believe that GEORGE is the yesman and his cabinet is running the show.
You're probably right but I think that's the way it's supposed to be. One man can't be the expert in everything. To me, all the President is supposed to do is set the agenda, then get out of the way and let his cabinet members make it happen.


There's been too many negative comments attributed to Colin Powell for it to be just a case of the press spinning or his "friends" misquoting him. It seems to me that Powell is doing an excellent job of burning the candle at both ends. I think that when he's off the job, Powell does talk dirt about Bush and the administration. Then when he gets confronted, he's all "I never said any such thing." I've never had any trust for Powell and I've yet to see anything to change that view.