college football and the booth review


Well-Known Member
okay, I have watched two college football games today. in both games, defensive backs have been ejcted for spearing. I am all in for protecting these men from possible life threatening injuries but do we need Judge Judy or the fake Hot Bench judges to review and disect almost every call looking for " a three step rule" a "subsequent football action" and psycho babble about the intent of both players? It certainly kills the moment and excitement. The problem is, where will this go next?? The American Idol committe's to determine who has the prettiest uniforms or something like that??

The on the field judges seem to do a good job.... I am sorry they changed that.

Brought to you by my 2 cents worth.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
okay, I have watched two college football games today. in both games, defensive backs have been ejcted for spearing. I am all in for protecting these men from possible life threatening injuries but do we need Judge Judy or the fake Hot Bench judges to review and disect almost every call looking for " a three step rule" a "subsequent football action" and psycho babble about the intent of both players? It certainly kills the moment and excitement. The problem is, where will this go next?? The American Idol committe's to determine who has the prettiest uniforms or something like that??

The on the field judges seem to do a good job.... I am sorry they changed that.

Brought to you by my 2 cents worth.

If it makes you feel any better football is living on borrowed time as medicine improves, especially data and information about concussions. The reality of the punch drunk pro jock, be it football, boxing or racing of many forms (cars, dirt bikes, etc) is that we KNOW people are being hurt, gravely and permanently. it's one thing when there is no money to speak of in a sport or it is something as irreputable as boxing. It's another if it is the 'national pastime' of the NFL where public image, awareness and money intersect. This is going to roll down hill to college so they are all trying to figure out how to make sure they are going to be able to make the argument that they are, and have been, working on making it safer. College and pro ball is all about passing these days because that's what fans like and that is where the worst hits come from. The NFL is already taking serious steps towards eliminating the replay where the guy is hit so hard you think he's dead. College is trying to follow.