

Anyone watch?

It comes back on tonight. Despite the lackluster season finale, I thought it was a good show and from the trailers it looks like the tempo is about ready to pick up. I sure hope so.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
It would have to get better. Last season was so dull I wasn't planning on watching it again.

I was beginning to think - the aliens either never existed or are long gone, and the whole situation is run by tyrannical humans.
I'll give it a look, but if it continues to bore me, I'm done.


PREMO Member
Anyone watch?

It comes back on tonight. Despite the lackluster season finale, I thought it was a good show and from the trailers it looks like the tempo is about ready to pick up. I sure hope so.

I have it downloaded, I have not watched it yet.


It would have to get better. Last season was so dull I wasn't planning on watching it again.

I was beginning to think - the aliens either never existed or are long gone, and the whole situation is run by tyrannical humans.
I'll give it a look, but if it continues to bore me, I'm done.

Well yeah - They did kind of drag out the 'mystery' of the hosts last season, but the Rebels vs. Loyalists kept me interested. Plus I like most of the the characters. Most. There are a couple of insufferable tools. The oldest son, for instance, could have used a sound gorilla palm across the side of his head.

Yesterday's episode was pretty good. Without spoilers, the majority of the episode was a flashback to the Day where The Hosts arrived. There was a very brief update on what the major characters are up to currently, which I presume was stuck in there to avoid pissing off returning fans who are interested in the current story arc.


God bless the USA
I was only kidding - although I'm surprised at how few people are into this show.

I know you were. That was my attempt at humor. I suck! :lol: I should do myself a favor and stop watching the news! Now, you have peeked my interest in the show. I will check it out.


Well-Known Member
I got to give it another go, I just lost interest last season. Josh Holloway was my favorite character on Lost.