comcast aggravation


I was warned about poor service with Comcast. I didn't listen. I signed up for high speed internet service, and they were supposed to be here today to install. So... after taking half a day off from work, its 6:30, and they are no where to be seen.
What was I thinking?? No call, nothing. I've called twice, and its "he's just running a bit late, he'll call you in about 10 minutes". I think they'll say anything to get you off the phone. I was on hold for at least 20 minutes last time. ARRRGGGGHHH!!!!
(vent over, for now)

:burning: :burning: :burning: :burning:


Be about it
Wow, I'm surprised. We had excellent luck with our install - they got here right on time and it's been smooth sailing since. Sorry you're having a sucky time w/them!


Bummer, I've always gotten great service from comcast. I have the high speed and it is fantastic. I would call back and speak to a manager in charge and tell them what you have posted here. I'm sure they will fix this and make it right.


New Member
Have heard that ComCast is excellent.

I wouldnt know, we are stuck with GMP access to the net. At least GMP is somewhat faster than dial-up.........

Am originally from the Dayton, Oh area. Its good to see another mis-located ?? LOL buckeye around here.

Hope your ComCast got there.


no Comcast yet. They never showed last night, although they kept telling me he was on his way, until a dispatcher called after 7:30 tell me he couldn't find the guy anymore and wondered if he had made it to my house. Ha! The dispatcher also promised that he'd be here today after 5 (Ha!). I got a call from Comcast telemarketing trying to sell me cable. I laughed...
Anyway, after at least a half hour more on the phone today, they've rescheduled for next week. I'm not holding my breath on this. :mad:

Kismet! Fellow Buckeye! I return to the hallowed ground of Ohio Stadium this weekend for the Washington game. Can't wait! I think we'll go back for NC State, too. My family is still back there, (Galion & Mt. Vernon) so we go back a few times a year. Do you follow the Buckeyes much? They are why I have Directv, so I can get the complete ESPN gameplan. I didn't miss a game last year!

Go Bucks! Beat Washington! :cheers: :cheers: :clap:
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New Member
Originally posted by ohstate
no Comcast yet. They never showed last night, although they kept telling me he was on his way, until a dispatcher called after 7:30 tell me he couldn't find the guy anymore and wondered if he had made it to my house. Ha! The dispatcher also promised that he'd be here today after 5 (Ha!). I got a call from Comcast telemarketing trying to sell me cable. I laughed...
Anyway, after at least a half hour more on the phone today, they've rescheduled for next week. I'm not holding my breath on this. :mad:

Kismet! Fellow Buckeye! I return to the hallowed ground of Ohio Stadium this weekend for the Washington game. Can't wait! I think we'll go back for NC State, too. My family is still back there, (Galion & Mt. Vernon) so we go back a few times a year. Do you follow the Buckeyes much? They are why I have Directv, so I can get the complete ESPN gameplan. I didn't miss a game last year!

Go Bucks! Beat Washington! :cheers: :cheers: :clap:

I have a family friend in Mt Vernon that is like my uncle. :)

Oh yeah, I follow TBDBITL. You Bet.
Am from the Dayton area. Been here a year. I miss Mikesells chips, and Penn Station Sandwiches.


Bow wow
I bought a house in st.marys move next month. comcast is not in my neighborhood, gmp is what am i going to do about my cable modem?:bawl:


You're all F'in Mad...
You'll love the GMP cable modem. In over 2 years, I've had exactly one night when I needed to access the internet and the modem was down. (That equals about 0.00125% down time.)

It was off in recent weeks for a couple of days while they upgraded the entire cable system, and no doubt that upgrade is coming to a neighborhood near you, but the GMP cable modem is great.

I can see the complaint about breaking appointments, but once a cable modem is up and running, the thing just cruises along. And it runs circles around a dial-up!


DSL baby. My first time with anything but dialup. Box came, followed directions, bingo works like a dream.


You're all F'in Mad...
Originally posted by Pete
DSL baby. My first time with anything but dialup. Box came, followed directions, bingo works like a dream.

We have DSL here at the office. Cable modem is still faster. But you're right. If I lived close enough to the telephone CO, I'd have DSL just because the price is half of the $80 I pay for cable modem.

How much is high speed access worth? In my case, at home, it's whatever GMP charges. I'd rather have the service than the slower connection.

John Z

if you will
Originally posted by Kismet
Am originally from the Dayton, Oh area. Its good to see another mis-located ?? LOL buckeye around here.

Hey, I grew up in Dayton OH as well (Beavercreek). Moved there when I was 4, stayed there until 22 (not counting 4 yrs at Purdue University in IN).

Back on topic - I was lucky to have good install for Comcast internet too. The interesting thing was that when I called for an appointment, they said that the installer didn't "fish walls". So I set out on my own, bought shielded cable, and ran it from where the cable came into the house all the way to my computer room. When the installer got there, he said that yes, they say that, but he woulda ran the cable for me. Well, shoot, that was some wasted work! :burning:


Sorry to hear about your plight, ohstate.

If I were you, I would go to the Comcast office and pick up the cable modem (or purchase your own) and do it your self (that is if you already have cable). If you have a location for the modem placement picked out, install your cable modem there and call the toll free number, give them your name and the MAC address for the modem. Before you get off the phone, you should be added to the Comcast network and that is all you need.

If you have all your wiring already, it is a very simple process.

Feel free to contact me if you have any problems/questions.

Good luck!


Originally posted by Oz

How much is high speed access worth? In my case, at home, it's whatever GMP charges. I'd rather have the service than the slower connection.

AMEN :biggrin:


New Member
Good to hear from some more BUCKEYES. I've been here for 4.5 years now. Came from Mansfield OH. I've been looking for people to watch BROWNS games with on Sundays. I don't have Sat. TV to get all the games but, there are few bars around that will put on the games if you ask.


New Member
Oh, to stick with the thread, I've had no good service from Comcast since I've been here. Nothing but a comedy of errors on their part.