COMCAST'ed IE BOHICA the Beaches


New Member
COMCAST'ed Verb To be set upon by vermin.

Months ago, COMCAST took-over/bought-out/etc Cable and Internet to the town's of North Cheasapeake Beach and Chesapeake Beach. Letters arrived saying they (COMCAST) was going to deploy their new faster services over the following months.

Monday 12, March COMCAST knocks down the entire network . .

Ok, they have had months to deploy their equipment and it should take a full day to Cut-Over the connections.

Calls to COMCAST are routed to a Service call dumping ground in Atlanta, put in your account number and wooosh your call is dumped to a call Center who say's "Major outage - no further information available"

Tuesday 13, March Same

Wednesday 14, March Same . . Wait a sec . . Did they do any planning to cut-over an existing system ?

Thursday 15, March Same answer . . I called some other numbers and got a local COMCAST rep in the evening, telling me "They have people active working on the problem" , so I drive around and talk to neighbors, The two COMCAST Vans left about 3:30PM . . no ACTIVE anywhere. . .

Friday , Saturday , Sunday ,

Monday 19, March Called a local office again . . "Its going to be awhile to build the system" Huh?

Months to prepare and I cannot see any prep other than some Verizon circuit deploy boxes. Trust them? in 7 days of "Comcast High Speed" 0% uptime, preplanning 0, Customer Service 0.

I installed Satellite TV, a generator and a wood stove years ago after the Ice Storms of 93' . I had lights, Fridge, A/C and Satellite TV all during Hurricane Isabel, took ol' Westernshore CATV a week to rebuild the system and get back online.

COMCAST has months to prepare , Perfect weather , existing infrastructure and a week later . . nothing , ZERO.

One of my neighbors has been down three weeks (botched cable install).

Maybe its time the town citizens deploy their own wireless net access system, Something we can trust.




Can you ping me now? Good
MindWalkN said:
COMCAST'ed Verb To be set upon by vermin.

Months ago, COMCAST took-over/bought-out/etc Cable and Internet to the town's of North Cheasapeake Beach and Chesapeake Beach. Letters arrived saying they (COMCAST) was going to deploy their new faster services over the following months.

Monday 12, March COMCAST knocks down the entire network . .

Ok, they have had months to deploy their equipment and it should take a full day to Cut-Over the connections.

Calls to COMCAST are routed to a Service call dumping ground in Atlanta, put in your account number and wooosh your call is dumped to a call Center who say's "Major outage - no further information available"

Tuesday 13, March Same

Wednesday 14, March Same . . Wait a sec . . Did they do any planning to cut-over an existing system ?

Thursday 15, March Same answer . . I called some other numbers and got a local COMCAST rep in the evening, telling me "They have people active working on the problem" , so I drive around and talk to neighbors, The two COMCAST Vans left about 3:30PM . . no ACTIVE anywhere. . .

Friday , Saturday , Sunday ,

Monday 19, March Called a local office again . . "Its going to be awhile to build the system" Huh?

Months to prepare and I cannot see any prep other than some Verizon circuit deploy boxes. Trust them? in 7 days of "Comcast High Speed" 0% uptime, preplanning 0, Customer Service 0.

I installed Satellite TV, a generator and a wood stove years ago after the Ice Storms of 93' . I had lights, Fridge, A/C and Satellite TV all during Hurricane Isabel, took ol' Westernshore CATV a week to rebuild the system and get back online.

COMCAST has months to prepare , Perfect weather , existing infrastructure and a week later . . nothing , ZERO.

One of my neighbors has been down three weeks (botched cable install).

Maybe its time the town citizens deploy their own wireless net access system, Something we can trust.



To bad your in Calvert.......AA you would have FiOS :whistle:

Go back to satellite....then get DSL or EVDO


Come Play at BigWoodys
bfncbs1 said:
To bad your in Calvert.......AA you would have FiOS :whistle:

Go back to satellite....then get DSL or EVDO

Yeah because Verizon has their services deployed decently... Hell 3/4 of the people here wouldnt have highspeed if it wasnt for cable. Unless your in a densely populated area Verizon sucks major balls sorry.

Sorry for your luck. When calling Comcast make sure you direct to the Internet department instead of the cable department. Those people seem to be more competent. They will also usually connect you with someone more local to your area.


Active Member
MindWalkN said:
COMCAST'ed Verb To be set upon by vermin.

Months ago, COMCAST took-over/bought-out/etc Cable and Internet to the town's of North Cheasapeake Beach and Chesapeake Beach. Letters arrived saying they (COMCAST) was going to deploy their new faster services over the following months.

Monday 12, March COMCAST knocks down the entire network . .

Ok, they have had months to deploy their equipment and it should take a full day to Cut-Over the connections.

Calls to COMCAST are routed to a Service call dumping ground in Atlanta, put in your account number and wooosh your call is dumped to a call Center who say's "Major outage - no further information available"

Tuesday 13, March Same

Wednesday 14, March Same . . Wait a sec . . Did they do any planning to cut-over an existing system ?

Thursday 15, March Same answer . . I called some other numbers and got a local COMCAST rep in the evening, telling me "They have people active working on the problem" , so I drive around and talk to neighbors, The two COMCAST Vans left about 3:30PM . . no ACTIVE anywhere. . .

Friday , Saturday , Sunday ,

Monday 19, March Called a local office again . . "Its going to be awhile to build the system" Huh?

Months to prepare and I cannot see any prep other than some Verizon circuit deploy boxes. Trust them? in 7 days of "Comcast High Speed" 0% uptime, preplanning 0, Customer Service 0.

I installed Satellite TV, a generator and a wood stove years ago after the Ice Storms of 93' . I had lights, Fridge, A/C and Satellite TV all during Hurricane Isabel, took ol' Westernshore CATV a week to rebuild the system and get back online.

COMCAST has months to prepare , Perfect weather , existing infrastructure and a week later . . nothing , ZERO.

One of my neighbors has been down three weeks (botched cable install).

Maybe its time the town citizens deploy their own wireless net access system, Something we can trust.



Get a dish man, Comacst sucks.


MindWalkN said:

I installed Satellite TV, a generator and a wood stove years ago after the Ice Storms of 93' . I had lights, Fridge, A/C and Satellite TV all during Hurricane Isabel, took ol' Westernshore CATV a week to rebuild the system and get back online.

So you are saying you can do better than them based upon doing work on one house? It's not easy deploying stuff on a large scale when something goes wrong.

BTW, great first post. :yay:


New Member
Monday evening one week later, I'm driving around North Beach, looking (ok Stalking) for a COMCAST van. Grid search in two block by two block sections and after 15 minutes, I abandon the search to go home.

I'm just about to pull into my driveway and WooHoo a COMCAST van stops in front of my house. He's there to Cut Off service to a neighbor (guess they got so disgusted they told COMCAST to go <insert_expressive_language_here> ).

I have a nice tech chat in geek to the service tech and he pulls out the ladder n tools for a look-see, while I haul out my cable modem and extension cord to the entrance box.

After a few thumbs-up , thumbs-down visual communication between me and the tech up on the pole, he comes down with 16 inches of old crusty filters screwed together. The culprit blocking the signal.

Ping . . I'm connected to the head-in . .

Calling COMCAST for information is Like trying to teach a rock to fly by dropping it on your foot, very painful and a waste of time.

The field tech I talked to - AOK , Nice , polite , helpful . .

I retract my initial statement that they did not prepare for the cut over, where they dropped the ball was: NOT doing a block by block check with the customers. Could have been done in two evenings and a Saturday morning and all would have been good.

An hour of dealing with COMCAST initial account start (includes a 27meg download and running this program on my computer ) I'm Online again,
Not having to drive to work for a 3 minute online fix I could do from home is great.

Now I will have to erase the hard-drive and rebuild my PC, re-install all the software, re-do all the customizations - about 20 hours of work.

Because I do not know what kind of spyware they installed on my system, Probably something to monitor my use and sell to advertisers and if they put a back-door for their use, some ex-employee could use the same back door to swipe bank account numbers, codes, pins and anything else they wanted.

