comment from a torrent site



There has been a lot of this uploaded to the torrents lately. Unfortunately, the hatred evinced by Muslims is a high hurdle to get over for anyone with a working brain.

Oooo SNAP, I guess the masses out there see the truth ... :whistle:


Islam is all about terrorism. It has been that way since the time of Mohamed, who was a terrorist himself. (I don't give a #### how Moe's name is spelled).

Read the Koran, you moron. I did.

The message of Islam has always been "convert
the non-believers or kill them".

If you had any guts you'd be murdering innocent people so you could go to Paradise and get 72 virgins.

Instead, you're putting up drivel on the internet.

You are pathetic.

I have two words for you. They are Off and ####.

Not in that order, though.

Islam denounces intelligence

Islam doesn't denounce terrorism, it causes it. And the worst part is that the fake "peaceful" muslims, with their hand-wringing and crocodile tears for the victims of their brothers' barbarism, provide a useful camouflage for the fanatics to continue their work to undermine civilization and send us all to the dark ages. They kill, they destroy, but nobody is allowed to criticize Islam because "it's a religion of peace".

ammar1111 is a fanatic like the rest, only with even less of a spine. He won't blow himself up and do us all a favor, because he's part of the smokescreen trying to hide what Islam really stands for. It's pointless trying to tell him to stop because he won't. But as long as the world hears the voices of those who oppose his wretched cult, maybe there is hope for us yet.

This is the Pirate Bay April Fools Joke, right?

I haven't seen a lot of Methodist terrorists flying airplanes into buildings lately. Or Amish for that matter.

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New Member
Gee: These quotes sound a lot like me. I have often said the same thing.

Wait until the mussies take over and Sharia law is the law of the land and see how many peaceful , moderate muslims there are. If you are one of the ones left enslaved and not beheaded.


Gee: These quotes sound a lot like me. I have often said the same thing.

Wait until the mussies take over and Sharia law is the law of the land and see how many peaceful , moderate muslims there are. If you are one of the ones left enslaved and not beheaded.

Yeah for sure ..... most downloads tend to be young and liberal .... you should see some of the comments made when someone posts something Christian ....

way over the top and RUDE